Pressing onward with their campaign of purging the Raveners, Serpent Company and it's fleet of allies traversed space toward their next target of asteroid formations within an Ion-nether known among ship Captains who have sailed it as 'Death maiden's bath'.
Aboard the Abaconda both it's Captain and Pablo looked outward at the sight before them as the order for all vessels to cut engines sounded off, "What're you thinking sir, this isn't gonna be like previous sortie's." the Captain asked questioningly toward his Commander whom looked over every nook and cranny of the images on a separate screen magnifying and enhanced as he scanned the area's, mass bio-signatures blipping the area.
His focus drifted as red alert sounded on the ships bridge 'Sir, enemy flyers incoming!' shouted across the room with images from outside flooding by previously unseen Raveners flinging explosive acidic orbs hitting the ship with tremendous impact, "All ships open fire! Pilots get to your ships and prevent those things from blowing us apart!" barked out of the Captain over the intercoms unleashing a light-show of fireworks and soaring rush of star-fighters all the while Pablo got up heading out on his way to the hanger.
"Sir where are you going?" the Captain asked just before the Commander's exiting of the bridge causing him to peer over his shoulder with a smirk.
"To fight alongside my men, have the best pilots join me once I'm starbourne." Pablo responded with the Captain acknowledging his orders, walking his way to the hanger bay joined by Gab in the final stage of putting on her piloting gear slipping gloves on and targeting optics, "Ready to display a dance of metal and fire-power?" he teased with a smirk causing her to utter a grin support giggle as they entered the hanger climbing aboard the Annihilator.
Fastening their seat harness' and given a green light, the heavy star fighter slingshot it's way into the fray out the hanger with engines roaring. Left to right both Ravener and star-fighter engaged in dogfights were being reduced to bloody parts and metallic scrap, despite this sight Pablo opened his comm channel "Squadron zero you copy?" he called out getting an instant response of 'Aye sir' before continuing his orders "Fall into position behind me, our goal is the nexus."
"We're on your tail Commander, Zero squadron fall into attack positions on his location." the squadron leader radioed over leading into a dozen fighters swooping in behind the Annihilator arming all weapons closing distance on the Ion-nether.
"Abaconda, Fortuna. Focus all guns ahead and help clear the way for us, Hydra squadron's three and ten move to engage stray hostiles." Pablo instructed looking over the map display, his eyes turning beside him as the two extra squadrons flew into position with the closest pilot nodding in view toward him prior to impacting cannon-fire of the strike cruisers blasting ahead. Gazing over his equipment Pablo began to notice interference from the nether as screens became near impossible to read.
"Dammit displays are messing up, Commander what now?" squadron zero's leader radioed over with several other pilots crying out in a minor panic.
"Hydra's this is Serpent, switch all weapons to manual control." he stated calmly flicking a series of switches to manual control peering down a pair of goggled sights "Fire on my mark, not a moment prior." he added staring at the distance meter counting downward.
Upon closing in on the Ion-nether commencing the ships to shake forcing pilots to grab onto their the flight controls with every ounce of strength whilst buzzing red alerts beaming on their displays, "PABLO, WE'LL BE TORN UP IF WE KEEP GOING!" Gab screamed out struggling to keep control whilst he continued to stare into the goggled sights.
"Almost in range." he half whispered over the radio, "Nearly there.... NOW FIRE ALL WEAPONS!" he cried out soon after tightening his grip on the weapons control triggers of the Annihilator unleashing a barrage of rockets and missiles screaming ahead into the Ravener asteroids shattering them to bits, "All craft pull up, repeat pull up now!" being the immediate follow-up order as all ships forcefully swept into a sudden U-bending turn in all directions.

Chronicle of the Unknown Sector. (#Wattys2015)
Ciencia FicciónThe Unknown Sector. A part of space sat on the border of three mass empires, since the decade war it has been left in a state of disarray from the core interior of these empires. From within it's dark secrets rose a race of monstrous alien creatures...