As night descended upon Planet Tala'hiem and after hours of high speed pursuit Pablo finally tracked down the transport vessel which had carried Gab and Vera away with their kidnappers, before him laid a mountain side retreat overlooking the sea yet with further scanning Pablo spotted snipers littering parts of the roof and platforms, patrols roaming all over and numerous gun emplacements overlooking entrance points.
Slowly moving his way inward being mindful of twigs and brush Pablo infiltrated the area taking cover behind a tree, knowing full well he was outnumbered he then removed his boots, belt and weapons leaving him in bare minimal clothing double checking for anything that shined or made a sound.
Making headway onward he spotted an entry point consisting of the kitchens heat venting, carefully removing the grate despite his left hand being burnt upon touch Pablo slid inside gritting his teeth as his entire body stung from burns before finally exiting into the buildings kitchen which fortunately for him it was empty.
"Hmm, ideal weaponry for such a hostile environment." he whispered amongst himself taking a knife keeping it tightly in hand, ducking out of sight when a pair of chef's entered whilst Pablo slipped on out into the hallway as his feet tapped against the floor silently. Eyes darting all over the place picking up communication transmissions from the Mercenary guards forcing him to divert his gaze at a nearby room creating glows of light, walking up to the door and peering around it taking glance inside he spotted two guards beside a wall of screens.
Entering silently as possible Pablo was planning several steps ahead, sliding the knife across first Merc's neck following up by hurling it at the second ending with a calm retrieval of the blade wiping off the blood onto the white suit shirt he was wearing. "Come on, where are you two?" Pablo whispered as he took control of the system searching for Gab and Vera, halting on the image of Vera being chained up to a wall scared to death and with no image of Gab in sight he knew his first directive.
Hiding the bodies and taking time to disguise himself, Pablo exited the room blending in with little difficulty walking past other Mercenaries acting natural, reaching the area where Vera was being kept he then drew the knife he'd concealed along his cybernetic arm commencing his prowl inside. Eye moving left to right slow as can be, his sight fixated on a drunken old man stumbling his way toward a locked door opening it up, within was Vera appearing grubby, beaten and red-eyed from tears, the sight grew worse as the man held strands of her hair sniffing it which in turn triggered Pablo to move in whilst placing the knife aside.
"No, please no." Vera cried out as the man stood up removing his shirt before beginning to gurgle with an arm imprisoning him across the chest whilst a metallic one dug into his neck forcing streams of blood to ooze downward with a split second later his throat being torn out, the body slamming to the ground Vera gazed up at a shadowed figure grunting heaving breathes.
"Who... who are you?" she shivered out nervously, the figure leaned in seeming to of calmed down revealing to be none other then her brother as he picked up the keys off the deceased body then setting Vera free who in turn jump hugged him "I was so scared, they said you'd never come" she cried out in relief.
"Guess they were proved wrong. Listen we gotta find Gab, but I don't have any idea where she is, did these buggers mention anything of her whereabouts?" Pablo asked with Vera nodding in full understanding as the two exited the room, Pablo following Vera's lead as she guided him around the building.
At some point Vera pointed toward a staircase saying Gab was at the room down the hallway from the stairs top, Pablo then looked over at her leaning in resting his hand on her shoulder "Listen, I want you to sneak out of here and await the planetary garrison to arrive. Don't worry about me okay." he explained giving reassurance in his tone, at first Vera wanted to object however she knew of his persistence all too well. Splitting off with Vera sneaking her way outside and Pablo venturing up the staircase, the sound of gunfire began to erupt outside whilst he ascended.

Chronicle of the Unknown Sector. (#Wattys2015)
Science FictionThe Unknown Sector. A part of space sat on the border of three mass empires, since the decade war it has been left in a state of disarray from the core interior of these empires. From within it's dark secrets rose a race of monstrous alien creatures...