Chapter 2

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I woke up to a slight shake from Maxon. We boarded a plane after a small drive, flew for a while, and I guess I fell asleep.

"Are you tired, my dear?" Maxon asks.

"No," I lied, "and yes, I am finally your one and only dear."

We both laughed. He always tried to call me his dear during the selection, but I knew he was calling the others that as well, so I told him he couldn't call me that. But now, that endearment makes me smile and practically melt in my seat.


After a while, we get off the plane, and I am hit with warm--but not sticky--air. I can hear the waves rolling over each other trying to get to the warm sand first. Maxon places his hand on my lower back, guiding me to the small car line that is waiting for us. There are two black SUVs, which is where the guards that came with us went, and where our luggage went as well. There's a convertible car sitting in between the hulking cars, and that is where Maxon is leading me. He opens up my door and closes it after I slide into the black, leather passenger seat. I could see his smile as he goes around the car and hops into the driver's side.

"Have you ever driven before?" I ask with some skepticism in my voice. If he hesitates for one moment, I swear I will jump out of this car.

"I told you before, I have only seen my area from inside a car. I didn't tell you that I was the driver of those cars. Driving is what calmed me from everything," he says, looking over at me.

"Calmed. As in past tense. Why isn't it calming now?" I ask jokingly.

"Well, now you are the thing that can calm me," he says, smiling at me. Then, he suddenly becomes very serious and grows quiet. "Plus, now that my dad is gone, I won't have that stress of pleasing him."

I could tell he was fighting with his emotions, so I reach over and grab his hand. "Maxon, it's okay to miss him you know; it's okay to mourn."

"I know, my dear, but I am the king, so everyone will look to me for strength. I need to give them that strength," he says.

"Maxon, mourning over your lost parents is not weakness. That is strength. It shows how much you loved them. It's what people expect to see. Plus, you are with me now, so you don't have to hide your feelings from me. I am here to help you, through thick and thin," I say, quoting our vows at the end.

He looks over at me with tears brimming in his eyes, and he leans over the console in the middle to give me a quick, sweet kiss that could have become more if it wasn't for the console digging into Maxon's side. He then leans back over and starts the car up. With a rev of the engine, Maxon shoots out of the terminal with a big smile, as if he was a kid in a candy store.

He turns on the radio, and Tessa Turner starts to sing through the speakers. Mom always turned her off if she ever came on the T.V. or radio, saying we were better singers then her, but I turned this song up. She was friends with one of the bravest woman I ever met: Celeste Newsome.

She was one of the girls I met during the selection. To be honest, in the beginning she was a horrible person with whom I would never have wanted to be friends. However, after finding out her insecurities, I realized she was a good person just her priorities weren't in the right place. Sadly, she died a couple months ago due to a rebel attack.

We jammed for what felt like hours until we reached a huge driveway with pearl colored gates. Maxon waits as the SUV in front of us puts in a long list of numbers until the gates open up. The line of three cars slowly makes their way up the driveway, which is lined with trees on either side. In the gaps of the trees, I can see a meadow of wild flowers on one side, and on the other side, there is a beautiful lake with blue water. The lake has a dock, which held multiple boats, rafts, and even a diving board. I laugh at the thought of Maxon jumping into the lake.

"What's so funny, Mrs. Schreaves?" Maxon asks with a smile, glancing over at me.
"Oh, nothing, Mr. Schreaves, just a little imagination," I say back.

"Well, depending on what you thought, it may come true," he says, smiling more. We sit in polite silence, but when the big cabin comes into site, it takes my breath away.
The cabin stands roughly a story high, with deep-cherry wood that looks like it aged a couple years. It's framed by woods, and is very well hidden. Maxon leads the car right around the half circle that leads up to the front of the place. He hops out of the driver side and walked over to open my door. He helps me out of the car, and together we makw our way to the door. Before we can cross, he bends down and lifts me up bridal style.
"Maxon, what are you doing?" I squeal with delight.

"Well, my queen, it's tradition to carry your beloved across the threshold," he responds, smiling. So he carries me across the threshold like he wanted, then gently puts me down. He then turns me around, leans down, and gently presses his lips onto mine. It starts out sweet and gentle, but the longer the kiss goes on, the deeper it becomes. 

We break apart due to the lack of air, and I can see the desire in his eyes. I must have had a similar look because in the next moment, he grabs my hand, and we race towards the bedroom. We slow down before we get to the room, however.
"America, are you scared?" he asks, stopping just in front of the door.
"To be honest, a little, but it's a good type of nervous," I respond, smiling shyly up at him.
"What are you nervous about, my dear?" he asks, looking serious.
"Nothing much," I say, looking away.
He hooks his finger under my chin, and lightly forces my face to look up at him. "Please tell me either way so I know," he says to me.

"Marlee told me it hurts the first time, and I'm a little nervous about that," I say, blushing a little. Maxon leans down again and brushes his lips against mine. I try to deepen it, but he pulls away.

"My dear, I can't tell you that it won't hurt, because it may. What I can tell you is I will go slowly. You will be in control of tonight. I love you so much, America, and I will try my best to not hurt you," he says. He backs up, opens the door to the bedroom, and gestures for me to go in first.
The bedroom is as big as my house back in Carolina. Against one wall was was a big, king-size bed made up with a blue and gold bed spread. On the other side was a wall full of pictures, just like Maxon's room back at the palace.
"This was my room when I was growing up. I hope you don't mind it," he says, hugging me from behind.
"Maxon it's amazing. I am glad we get to be here together," I say, turning around in his arms. I start to stretch up as he leans down, our lips make contact, and we start to deepen our kiss.

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