Chapter 16

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America's POV

I don't know how long I have been in here. My tears dried up a little while ago, and I am sitting on the bench, looking at the door. I will it to open. I have pain shooting up my side, and no idea if I am okay or if the babies are okay. I start to feel the panic rise again. I try to keep it at bay so I don't add more stress, but it takes over. I start to cry again. I lean over, trying to take deep breaths to calm down, but it just makes the pain worse. I fall to the floor, curling into myself, wishing it would keep the pain away. I know the kids will be effected by this, but I am praying that nothing bad happens.

As I hear a lock unlock, I black out. I only remember hearing someone yell "I found her!"


America dear, please wake up. I need you. Your family needs you. Our country needs you.......

Ames please wake up, I don't want to lose you......

I try to wake up or move, but something is holding me down. I can hear the people around me, and how they are begging me to wake up, but something is stoping me. I try to fight the darkness but it takes me back.


America, the doctors say you may be able to hear me. I want you to know how much I love you. When we first met, you were so strong willed, wanting to go home, away from this cage. You then decided to stayed, and  love me. We are still expecting the twins. The doctor said that they are okay. America, if you can hear this, Please come back to me. I will do anything for you, just please come back to me. I felt something wet hit my arm, and someone lifting my arm.

Please wake up runs through my mind. I force myself to try and move something to let them know I am fine. I love you. I try and squeeze the hand that is holding mine. Muscles work please! I fight my own body until I felt the little movement of my hand.

Doctor she moved! I hear someone yell. Yes! I moved. I focus on trying to open my eyes. I fight the heaviness and finally beat it. I am met with a blinding white light. Someone's head comes into my line of vision.

"America dear, can you hear me," I hear a raspy voice say. I try to respond, but a crackling sound came out. My eyes start to focus more, and I see that the voice belongs to my husband. I smile at him.

"Hear take this," he said handing me a cup of water. I take a huge sip, and try again

"What happened?" I ask, trying to remember the last thing that happened.

"Dear we found you blacked out in a safe room. The guard rushed you here, and the doctors said that they had to put you in a coma," Maxon says to me.

"Are the babies okay?" I say placing my hand on my stomach.

"Yes Mer, they are great. Healthy baby boy and girl," he says smiling at the end. Baby boy and girl...

"Wait we are having a boy and a girl?" I say dumbfounded.

"Yes dear, we are having both! The doctor told me after they checked on them. I hope you didn't mind," he explained.

"How long have I been out?" I say as I notice his beard was starting to grow.

He looks down before answering me, "about a week my dear."

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