Chapter 18

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Maxon's POV

I always hate sitting in these boring budget meetings where the officials need to figure out where to get more money but no one wants to give up any of their organizations money. When I was prince I could zone out, but now that I am King, I can't.

Just as I was about to give a proposal, a gaurd bursts in the door, and rushes over to me.

"You're Magesty I am sorry for the interuption, but it's your wife," he says, which gets me worried, so I get up quick and run out the door.

"Where is she, is she okay?" I say running blindly.

"Yes sir, she is in the hospital wing, giving birth," the last words make me stop. Giving Birth. It takes me a second to register the information, but when it does, I take off down to be with my wife as she brings into the world two beautiful babies.

When I get into the room, I hear my wife screaming for me, and Marlee's voice trying to calm her down. "America, I am here," I say as I run to the side of her bed, and grab her hand. She clasps my hand in a death grip, which if it wasn't for the adrenaline that is rushing through me, it would be painful.

"Maxon I thought you wouldn't come," She says.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world my Sweets. Now breath, everything will be okay," I say feeling her grip tighten as she starts to scream in pain. I see the nurse at the end of her bed tighten at the sound.

"Nurse will she be okay?" I ask concerned.

"Yes You're Magistey, she is having contractions which are trying to push the babes out. She is close to the diameter we need to begin, but if we start now she will hurt worse," she explains before going to get the Doctor.

"Did you hear that darling, it's almost time, and I will be here to help you through it the whole time. You are so beautiful my dear," I say adding the endearment she teases me about to get her to smile, which she does very faintly.

"I thought I told you- AHH- not to call me that," she jokes. The doctor walks in to the room, and examines my wife.

"It's time," she says, signalling the nurse and Marlee to hold her legs up. "Now You're highness on the count of three I need you to push as hard as you can okay?" the doctor asks, and my wife nods. "Okay 1...2...PUSH!" As my wife pushes as hard as she can, she tightens her grip on my hand.

The process goes on for three more hours until a Nurse comes to me, and instructs me to take my shirt off. "Sorry You're Magistey, but this is to help the babes warm up, your wife will get one and you get the other. You have to hold them close to you to warm them up." Before she finishes her explanation, I take my shirt off, and pick up the male baby, and hold him close to my chest. It isn't untill this moment that I realise I am a father now. I look up to see my wife cuddling the female baby, and also the heir to the throne. My wife looks up, and our eyes meet, and thats when I know that the traditions will change, I will never want to part the family like my ancestors did.

"What are the names You're Magistes?" The nurse asks. America looks at me, and I nod in agreement of the names she picked.

"For the girl, Eadlyn. For the Boy, Ahren." My wife answers. I look down to little Ahren and see him looking up to me. His stunning dark brown eyes, which look back to me, are the reason, that at that moment, I decide to be a better father than my father ever was. Before I knew I wouldn't hurt my children, but I now add that I will make more time for him, raise him to be just like his grandmother, an amazing person.

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