Chapter 7

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America's POV

All the doctors were very nice, but I was getting very impatient. I want to see my husband, but they won't let me go until all tests are done. They said that five tests ago, which took an hour each. I know they just want to help me, but I need to make sure he knows I am okay. He gets worried, and I don't want him to over worry. 

"Sir, when am I allowed to see my husband?" I ask the doctor for the fifth time.

"One more test your highness, then we will take you to him," he responds politely, but not looking up from the charts in his hand. 

"And how long will that be," I say impatiently.

"Well we are waiting for the lab to open, so when they do, your going to be the first one in," he responds, still looking at the charts.

"Then I will be waiting with my husband," I say hopping off the table I've been sitting on.

"Your highness, you can't do that," he says trying to grab for my arm. I spin around fast, getting out of his grasps.

"Don't you ever lay a hand on me, and you better learn your place fast. I am your queen, and what I say goes," I say before turning and walking out of the room. I feel a little guilt for using my Queen card, but I knew he wouldn't have listened any other way. I walk to the nearest Nurse's station, and ask to be taken to my room. The kind lady at the desk had me follow her to the elevator, down two flights, and to the right was my room. I walk in, and see my mom on a chair crying, May is barely keeping it together but is holding mom, and Maxon is pacing the floor.

"Who died?" I playfully ask. When they heard my voice, mom ran faster then I have ever seen, and grabbed me. She held me so tight and I could feel her shaking. I wrap my arms around her.

"Shh mom, it's okay, I'm okay. I'm still here," I say trying to sooth her.

After she starts to calm down more, she straightens up and looks at me. "Now Missy, don't ever scare me like that!" She says smiling. I laugh and hug her again.

Next May comes up to me, and gives me a hug. "You scared us Ames. Are you sure you're okay?" She asks looking over me. It makes me laugh.

"I remember when I would have done the same thing to you monkey. Yes I am okay now," I say releasing her. That's when I saw Maxon. He stood there looking at me with tears in his eyes. I run to him.

"Oh please don't cry Maxon. I am here, I'm fine," I say running right into his arms. He catches me with a little stumble backwards, and he holds me. I feel him kissing the top of my head, and starting to calm down.

"God America, I was so scared. I can't lose you yet," I hear him whisper to me.

"I am not going anywhere. I love you," I say breaking apart just enough to give him a kiss. We forgot where we were for a second, and the kiss deepened. What broke us apart was a click of the door closing. I start to giggle.

"You should lay down Mer," he says, guiding me to the big bed.

"I will only lay down if you lay with me," I respond. I never liked hospitals. I've only ever been to one, and that was when May broke her arm. We were lucky to find a doctor who let us perform at his next few parties as payment for the treatment.

"Of course dear," he says smiling. I pull back the thick covers, and crawl in. I feel the bed dip as Maxon gets in on the other side, and I smile. He reaches around my waist, and pulls me up against him. We fall asleep like that for who knows how long. I don't care what happens with me, but as long as I have him, I'll be okay. 

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