Crazy Day

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Tina POV
It was a normal day so far for Tina Goldstein. She was waiting for class to be over so she can go see her sister at her job. She only 20 years old but she said she needs a job and got that job at the cafe near the school. Well, that's it for today's class all should go now said the teacher. Tina left and went to the quad. It's such a beautiful day Tina thought as she was walking she saw two men and a cat in a tree. But they are not supposed to have animals at school campus. Come here Pickett said the tall man. But the cat didn't budge and the shorter man said hey I don't he's coming down any time soon. Then the cat jumps on the short man's face and the short man screamed aaaaah get it off get off. Wait, Jacob, you're going to hit the BANG. Said the tall man getting interrupted by the short man getting hit by the post lamp. Ow said the short man who is probably named Jacob. Then Tina went over to the guys. Hey are you ok said, Tina. I don't think so said, Jacob. Ok, I'm going to take you somewhere and your name is? Said Tina. My name is Jacob and right there pointing at the tall man is Newt said, Jacob. Ok, let's go to my sister's workplace. Said Tina guiding the men to her sister work.
Hope you guys like it 💛💛💛

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