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2 weeks past and they were hanging out at the coffee shop. So you're telling me that I got it all wrong said, Jacob. Yep, you just got the equation wrong so you need to fix that. Said Newt explaining this to his friend. How come you good at everything Newt said, Tina. Yea last time you help me with the English and I got the best score overall. Yea me too said, Jacob. Well, I don't think I'm that smart said Newt. Well then you're like a super genius or something said Queenie. No I not like that any way we should go see a movie or something. Said Newt. Yea let's all take a break said, Jacob. They left the shop and started walking. Then they heard some noise coming from the quad. I wonder what makes them all go crazy and loud said Tina. Let's take a look. Said Jacob walking towards the crowd. Looks like one of the politics said, Tina. Come and vote for me Theseus said this guy name Theseus. Oh umm, guys, I think I should go said Newt. You there you should wait a minute is that you Newton? said Theseus. Do you know this guy Newt? said, Jacob. Ummmm said Newt trying to find the words to say something. It is, comes over here little brother said Theseus trying to hug him. Wait you are what?!?! Said, everyone who heard their conversation. Newt is Theseus your brother? Said Tina looking at both of them. Y-yes he is my o-older brother said Newt looking down at the ground. No way people started to whisper. I should um go n-now said Newt leaving out of there. Wait Newt said, Jacob. Well, I'll see you Newt's friends said Theseus and went back to his crowd. Newt opens it up, please said, Tina. Looks like he isn't coming out how about me and Jacob get some sweets and drinks from Starbucks said Queenie. Ok, you guys go I'll stay here see if he comes said, Tina. Okay said Jacob and Queenie then they left. Hey Newt can I come in? said Tina in a nice calming voice. Yes, you may Newt said in a soft voice. Tina went inside his room it looks the same since she was here when she was drunk. I didn't want people to look at me like that said Newt. What do you mean Newt? Said Tina concerned about Newt. Like that, when they know that my brother is famous they are going to use me to get closer to Theseus just like in London and they will hurt me said Newt. Hey, don't worry you made friends that don't care who you are right? Even if he related to you said, Tina. Yea b-but no buts come on let's go and enjoy some baked goods said Tina who interrupted Newt. Newt smiled and he said I like that very much. So they went to the kitchen were Jacob and Queenie were at and eat many sweets.

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