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You are telling me that Newt kiss you on the cheek said Queenie. Maybe I kiss him the night we were all drunk said, Tina. WHAT?!?! Said Queenie with big eyes coming out of her head. Shh, be quiet said Tina looking around the cafe. But you kissed a boy Teenie said Queenie getting all excited about her sister to accomplish. I-I don't know what to do Hey said, Tina. What do you mean Teenie? said Queenie. I mean what do I do when he comes back from London said Tina getting nervous. Well tell him you love him Teenie said Queenie. I-I don't think that possible Tina said nervously Hey look at me it's fine to be nervous when you tell him at first then you'll be thanking me of couraging you to confess to him said Queenie. Who is going to confess? said, Jacob who came to say hello. Ummmm said Tina not looking them. She got kissed by Newt on the cheek yesterday and or maybe on the lips the day before said Queenie who is wiggling her eyebrows. No way our Newt did that? Said Jacob being surprised that his best friend kisses someone. Please don't say anything to Newt, Jacob. Said, Tina. I won't I promise boy scout code Jacob said crossing his fingers. Well, we have to wait until he comes back tomorrow. Said Queenie who winked at Tina.

Sorry I know is short but hope you still like it.

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