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Mmmm said Tina turning on her side. Don't move said a voice behind her. Well we have to get up to get to breakfast Newt or your family thinks we are doing something said Tina sitting up straight. But I want to stay in bed said Newt cuddling his face on her stomach. Come on your worst then Pickett and Niffler said Tina petting is nest of a hair. Fine let's go said Newt getting up, ok I'll get ready to change and I'll meet you by the stairs. Alright see you there said Tina kissing his cheeks. ~Few minutes later~ Alright ready for this said Newt. Of course your family is so nice and they are great said Tina. That's great to hear and they think your brilliant and so kind said Newt while they reach the bottom of the stairs. Well think god that's great said Tina. Hey lovebirds said Zoey. Mother you know I don't like the teasing said Newt. I know but I can finally tease you with a girl said Zoey. Well anyway we will be eating then we should head back home because school starts next week said Newt. I'm going to miss you Newtie my baby boy said Zoey. Mum said Newt hugging his mother. Aww you too Tina come over here said Zoey looking at Tina who was holding tears back. Then they had a big group hug.
Sorry guys I know it took forever but I'll try to write more 💛💛😊😊

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