Crazy Night

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Tina felt something walking across her chest. What get off of me she said feeling fluffy things moving towards her hand. What? she said looking at the two kittens that she saw before. Where am I? She said looking around the room. It had many books and comics books everywhere. It's this Newt's room Meow I guess that is a yes. She got out of bed and went to the kitchen. She saw Queenie and Jacob there talking and drinking coffee. God, I wish we didn't drink so much Queenie said, Jacob. I know oh hey Tina you look like a mess to did you drink too much too said Queenie. I guess so my head is killing me said Tina well here you go, someone, prepared us some coffee said, Jacob. Yea I can believe he is British and he could make some good coffee. Said Queenie taking another sip of coffee. Where is he anyway? Said, Tina. Well, I think he went to class. Said Jacob. Yea I guess he didn't enjoy the party like all of us did said Queenie. No, he did say that he didn't like parties but I forced him said, Jacob.  Well, he can tell us what happen last night since we left him. Said Tina enjoying the coffee.
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