The Party

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Heeeeey Newt guesses what said, Jacob, opening the door yelling for Newt. Umm what is it, Jacob I'm here reading in the living room said Newt. We are going to the party said, Jacob. A party? Said Newt confuse what Jacob said. Oh right I should explain, me, you, and the Goldstein sisters are going to this big party at the campus which is the most important one maybe you can find more people said, Jacob. But I like to hang out with you and the Goldstein sisters said Newt. Yes but you have to get out there and make more friends said Jacob walking to his room. Also, you should change because we are leaving soon. Ughh said Newt. 2 hours later Jacob you're here this is going to be so much fun said Queenie. Yea it is going to be great said Jacob. Sure it is going to be so much fun said Tina sarcastically. Oh, come on Teenie said Queenie. So they went on there way to the party, ok we are here let's go inside said, Jacob. They went inside they were amazed of the inside with DJ to a pool. Jacob and Queenie went with a couple of people they know and Tina went to people she found in her class. Newt was left alone so he explores the house then he found a bookcase. I don't think they mind if I read one of the books Newt said. So Newt read for two hours until he realizes that they should be going because there is still school tomorrow. Newt puts the book back to the bookcase and went looking for his friends. Newt walk around until he found Queenie and Jacob laughing, hey Newt you should try this drink it is so great said Jacob. Newt could tell they are both drunk. Well thank you for the offer but we should go said Newt helping both of them up. OMG, you are right let me find Teenie first said Queenie stumbling. No, I'll go and find her you should stay here and drink water, please said Newt giving both of them a bottle of water to help them get sober. Ok, buddy said, Jacob. Newt went to find Tina when he found Tina he know that she was drunk because she was talking louder and giggling for whatever joke they were saying. Hey, Tina, we are leaving come on said Newt going through the group of people. Awww Newt you're here said, Tina. Yes, I am your ready to go now said Newt looking at the floor because there were many people looking at them. Awww but I want to stay Newtie said Tina hugging him by the waist. But we need to go there is school tomorrow remember said Newt blushing because she is still holding around the waist. Come you should leave her here she'll really enjoy it more said some guy. Umm, I don't think so Newt said dragging Tina were Jacob and Queenie. Hey, Queeeeenie said, Tina. They gather their stuff and started walking. We should go to our dorm Newt said, Jacob. Ok but- we go with you guys and have a small sleepover said Queenie cutting off Newt. Yea said, Tina, racing everybody to the dorm. Hey wait for me Teenie said Queenie. Me too said, Jacob. Oh, great this day is getting better and better said Newt chasing after them.

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