The Family

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Did you lock your kitties Newt? said Tina. Yes love I did, you don't need to be worrying at all said Newt giving her a smile. I know but I am meeting your parents said Tina nervously. Hey it's going to be okay you meet my mother so you know how she is when she saw you said Newt. Yea Teenie you'll be fine said Queenie trying to calm her sister. Yea you guys are right I shouldn't worry at all said, Tina.  Okay come on let's go to the airport said Newt grabbing the cage and went to the door waiting for Tina. Ok, I'll see you later and call you once I get off. Alright have fun and don't be nervous. Said Queenie saying goodbye to Newt and Tina.
Few Hours Later
Here we are said Newt opening the gate to his childhood home. Wow this house is so big said Tina feeling a bit nervous that his family is wealthy a bit. Newt are you sure this is alright? Tina said. Of course love they are going to love you. Said Newt giving her a reassuring smile. Alright Tina said grabbing his hand. When Newt open the door he got attacked by someone. Oh my god Newt I haven't seen you in so long said this women. Mother you just saw me a few weeks ago Newt said hugging her back. Well I still miss you my little baby and who is this saying it to Tina. Hello Ms. Scamander I'm Tina Goldstein. Said Tina smiling. Well you look so beautiful and you can call me Zoey said Zoey smiling back. Ah my boy you finally came and who is that young lady? said a man who Tina never saw before. Oh honey this Newt's girlfriend, Tina. Said Zoey. Ah I could finally meet Newton's girl said Newt's father. Father said Newt blushing a bit. Yes father she beautiful isn't she is? Said Theseus who's coming from upstairs. Hey again Theseus Tina said. Let them get ready for dinner until then we met at 7:00 pm is that agreeable Newton? Said Newt's father. Yes father. Everyone went in different ways.

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