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Queenie giggles at Jacob's dreamy stare, ignoring Tina's heavy sigh a few tables down. She's sure Tina regrets bringing Jacob here last week to get patched up, but Queenie thinks her sister has never made a better decision in her life.
Plus, she knows Tina is intrigued by Mr. Englishman Newt, and vice versa. It's so obvious it makes Queenie exasperated to be in the same space as those two because they're both so awkward around each other.
Whatever. Newt and Tina are free to be awkward and studious together, but she is going enjoy Jacob's company to the fullest.
"So Jacob, you said you like to bake?" Queenie asks eagerly.
He nods, smiling dopily.
"Oh, that's excellent! I love to cook! We should cook together sometime. Maybe dinner? If you'd like?" She twirls a strand of hair and smiles prettily.
He nods eagerly. "Oh yeah, that sounds great! Yeah, I-I'd love to! Newt's good with animals, but his cooking...well."
They laugh together. Queenie hears Newt grumbling under his breath and Tina coughing up her mocha in a fit of laughter.
"So, uh, when—when would you be free? For dinner?" Jacob asks nervously, his hand absently feeling around the bandage on his temple. "You could come over to our place...uh, Tina too! Of course." His eyes dart over to Newt and Tina's table.
"That sounds good! How about...tomorrow? Does that work?" Queenie flutters her eyelashes and rests her cheek in her palm.
"Yeah, that's...perfect." Jacob grins.
"We'll be there. Text me the details!"
They quickly exchange numbers before resuming their happy staring content.
Newt comments pointedly from behind them, "You'd think he'd at least pretend to check with me, his roommate, about dinner guests, but alas."
"I don't recall agreeing either," Tina mutters before clearing her throat loudly. "Stop flirting in public, Queenie! Don't you have work to do?"
Queenie turns and pouts. "You're no fun. All you and Newt do together is study. You should get to know each other on a more personal level!"
Tina and Newt stammer their incredulity. Queenie smirks and faces Jacob again. "I guess I should get back to work. You'll text me?"
"Yeah! Yeah, of course. You should—you should go do. Stuff. Yeah."
She smiles and gets up, pecking him softly on the cheek. "See you later."

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