Awkward Study

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Oh God, I hate English so much I would never need this anyway said, Tina. Come on Tina is not that hard said Queenie. Sure if you are trying to figure out what the author is saying go ahead said Tina drinking coffee and frustrate. Why don't you ask Newt, he helped me with an English project and I got a hundred on it and the teacher said it was a great paper he read said, Jacob. Fine, he probably understands this more than I do sigh said, Tina. Actually, where is Newt? Said Queenie looking around. Oh, right I forgot to tell you that he said he'll be in the library to read some books about animals or whatever, said Jacob. Ok, I guess I'll meet him there I'll see you guys. Said, Tina packing up her stuff. They all said goodbye and Tina started to walk to the library. As she reaches to the library she could see Newt's crazy red hair from the window. Tina walked in and went to greet Newt, hey Newt said, Tina but no answers. Hey, Newt Tina tries again but nothing. I guess he to into the book Tina though. Tina knock on the table. Uhh, what Newt said looking around. Hey, Mr. Scamander to into the book I see Tina said. Umm yeah sorry umm what do you need Tina said Newt looking at her then to the table. Well can you help me with this stupid, English project that I have said, Tina, handing the paper to Newt. Oh, this is easy I will help you Newt said scooting near Tina. So what does the teacher want from this paper? Well, he wants to know what is the meaning of this poem said, Tina.  Ok well, what he is saying that society controls..... 1hour later..... And that's what he wants you to learn in his poem. For a guy who doesn't talk much you know a lot about English Tina said smiling at Newt. Oh umm well you see Newt stumbled his words while blushing. Tina laughed I'm just kidding Newt take a joke once in a while. Oh, right he said looking down on the ground. Hey, look at me said Tina lifting his chin so she can look him in his eyes. It was a joke ok she said. Newt looks in her eyes and he thought that it was the most beautiful brown eyes he ever saw. Umm maybe we should um continue with the homework she said putting a stray of hair behind her ear. Yea we should um finish this up said Newt awkwardly. In an hour they finish their work. Well, that was fun thank you again for all the help Newt.  No problem I would always help one of my best friends said Newt.  I thought Jacob was your best friend Tina said giggling. Newt chuckled well yea but he always wants to hang around with Queenie now so I'm kinda lonely at school. What do you mean you can make great friends at this school? Yea but people don't really like me that much because I want to become a veterinarian Newt said looking anywhere besides Tina. Oh well, you have 3 friends so I guess we don't think that is weird at all Tina said smiling towards Newt.

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