The beginning

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Amy's p.o.v
Today's such a beautiful day, I thought as I opened the blinds and allowed the sunlight to enter inside of my room. I smiled, looking into my heart-shaped bedroom mirror. Today's going to be a great day. I can't wait for my birthday party to commence.


My house was decorated top to bottom. There was my favourite songs playing in the background which had Vector hosting as the DJ. Everyone was here but my house isn't that big so it looked quite crowded. There was one hedgehog I specifically wanted to find I looked and walked around now where did my sonikku g-

"Amy! Sally said she'd be my gf isn't that great!" He grinned while putting his arm around Sally I felt my heart sink and shatter into a million pieces how could I be stupid, "Ames?..." he looked at worryingly he loves Sally not me I feel so blind...," Are you ok?" There was more worry in his voice. "Yea... don't worry..." I felt my fist tighten and looked up at him pretending to smile, "your happy I'm happy" I want to be happy for them... I really do... but at the same time I wish I could forget all those times wasted... me running after sonic... me thinking he'd love me it was all a fantasy.... I wish I forgot him...I know that's awful... but maybe it wouldn't hurt as bad...

Sonic's P.O.V
Ames would usually hug me but something's up... I kno! Maybe she wants cake! Yea... yea that's probably it...

Amy's P.O.V
I then snapped out of my thought when I heard them all begin to sing "happy birthday to you! happy birthday to you! happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to Amy happy birthday to you!" I see a glowing light and turn around to see Sonic holding a cake saying 'happy birthday Amy' with pink frosting it was a strawberry and chocolate cake with 7 candles on top lit, "blow your candles Ames!" He grinned like a kid maybe if I forgot him... it wouldn't have to hurt looking at him and being reminded of all the stupid time I wasted... and maybe I could be happy for him and Sally that's my wish I thought in my head closing my eyes, " I wish I could forget sonic..." I blew out my candles but I began to feel light headed and everything went pitch black...

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