Day 38

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Sonic's P.O.V
I'm only waking up now, it's 3pm I fell asleep to watching TV on the couch last night. Tails tried to convince me to go to Amy's house with him and the others but I just couldn't... Not only will Amy be upset when she figures out how awful I treated her- standing her up on dates (which I honestly thought she was joking about) and ran away from her. But now I know she wanted to lose her memory because of me and it's not hard to understand why... I was awful to her... I was inconsiderate... I was an idiot... And so so so stupid. Imagine, on her BIRTHDAY I just bragged about getting a new girlfriend not even talking with her about her feelings- which I was blind not to see. I hate myself... Sure, Amy was clingy at times... But she was one of my closest and sweetest friends and what did I do? I treated her like trash... Garbage... As if she didn't matter... I didn't think. My stomach sinks more as I cover my face with my hands. No way I could ever face her.

I hope she's feeling better though... Tails mentioned she wasn't feeling too well, I probably looked like a maniac with all the sanitary products I bought, I didn't know what she used or needed so I bought like two of every kind I got my hands on and left them in a plastic bag outside her door before dashing off yesterday.

My ear twitches hearing a knock on the door, I ignore it... It knocks again... I ignore it once more... And again it knocks but louder, this person can't take a hint, I'm trying to suffer in peace here, is that so hard to ask? I give in taking my hands off from my face and looked at the white ceiling momentarily. I groan slipping on my navy hoodie. I approached my front door and unlocked it, "what?!" I said harshly before looking who it was.
The dark hedgehog's red eyes would glare at me before pushing past me and sitting on my couch. I groan once more before closing the door behind him. I guess this means I'm not going to be allowed to continue suffering in peace.

"You know, it's considered rude to just come into someone's house uninvited" I snap at him as I follow him into the living-room. I stand in front of him putting my hands in my hoodie pocket before impatiently waiting for an explanation and tapping my left foot.
He just glares at me more as he folds his arms.
Now I'm peeved."What? You're not going to apologise? Actually are you just not going to say anything at all?"
"Where have you been faker?" He closes his eyes. My friendship with Shadow, has never really been a friendship- more like acquaintances...
"What do you mean? I'm here aren't I?"
He shook his head and opened his eyes before beginning to glare again, "Don't be stupid. How did you go from someone who Amy idolised, to someone that stayed by her side while she was in a coma and then more to completely avoiding her? You're not being subtle either"
"It's none of your business Shadow, is that all you came in here to do? To reprimand me?"
"You're being stupid, do you think avoiding her is going to do anything? Why are you even avoiding her? I thought you both were friends"
"We are friends!"
"Then why? Why are you avoiding her?"
"Cause those breakdowns are all because of me! She's suffering and suffered because of me!"
He'd stand up and frown not breaking eye contact, "So you're going to do what you're best at then? Run away?"
I would feel myself clench my fists.
"Get out..."
He'd turn his back from me, but not before getting the last word, "hero of Mobius?... More like a coward..."
I hear the door slam viciously and remain standing in the same position in silence... I'm not leaving the house today.

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