Day 42

433 11 3

Cream's P.O.V

It's 1pm and and I am having a tea party with Miss Amy, Miss Tikal and Cheese. I pour everyone their usuals happily: for Miss Amy a cup of milky, sweet Assam tea, for Miss Tikal a green tea, for Cheese my little chao friend I just pour warm milk and for me I also get a cup of milky, sweet assam tea. It's starting to get a tiny bit warmer outside for spring but it's still cold so we are having the tea party inside the kitchen of my house.

I love tea sets, I'm using the one I got for Christmas from Mr Tails. The cups and teapot are clear however on the bottom they are decorated with pretty little sunflowers and have shiny golden handles. I had also placed a pastel yellow table cloth on the round kitchen table earlier so the tea party would look prettier.

Mama is on a date with Mr Vector, I'm very happy for them they both seem very in love it's very sweet. Miss Amy's party seemed to help them get more acquainted also because Mr Vector was able to finally gather the courage to ask Mama out on a date. Even if I'm just thirteen I love the idea of love, maybe I got it from Miss Amy but I think it's so cute however I've agreed with mama I won't get into a relationship until I'm a bit older- which is fine with me.

"So you do not remember at all who was at your place taking care of you yesterday?..."  The pretty orange echidna asked, I'm always surprised realising Miss Tikal isn't a princess she acts very elegant though, it must be because she comes from the past.
I turn my head to look up at Miss Amy pause to try to remember yesterday but from her expression I can already tell it feels like a big blur, "no... I don't- I think I remembered something about Sonic as well... But I can't remember what it was right now... My body must have hated remembering it though, I felt so sick after the the memory."
"Aw Miss Amy I wish I was there to help take care of you..." I would frown slightly before gently holding onto my friend's hand to comfort her.
"I'm fine creamy don't worry but thank you... I just wish whoever it was I would have been able to thank them... They even went through the effort of making me my favourite soup..."

Sonic's P.O.V
I didn't even get to leave the letter yesterday at Ames' house. I got distracted... My mind thinks back to the day before when Amy was sick.

I got up from the pink wooden chair to put away the bowl from the soup and mug from the hot chocolate I made for Amy. As I stand up however I feel a tug on my right hand stopping me from going to pick the white tray holding the dishes, "don't leave sonikku... I know I said to her to do what she thought was best but please don't leave me for-" I felt my ears twitch and face fluster up.Her eyes aren't open and she's lying down on her bed.
"Wha- Huh? What do you mean?" I say with confusion. She had immediately passed out after that sentence, I guess even speaking really drained the energy out of her. I watched her cuddle tighter to my hand and decided to sit back down on the chair beside her for a little while longer. It was kind of surprising I wasn't too impatient to leave though...

I left early this morning, she seemed okay when I checked her temperature once more, I really wonder what she was trying to talk to me about though, I shake my head not wanting to think too deeply into it- she was sick anyway so probably was just dreaming or something...

Sitting on my couch I rest my feet on the blue small square table in the centre of my living room. I rip open the blue envelope re-reading it I'm still not happy with the way I wrote it:
'Dear Amy
Hi, I'm really sorry this letter is going to sound really confusing. But I'm going to need to not see you for a while, it's not to do with you it's more... Me. Don't ask why, it'll probably just upset and concern you (which is the last thing I want for you) the important thing is that this is for the best. How do I know that you may try to look for me? You are one of the sweetest and kindest people I know- But that also makes you one of the biggest worriers I'm going to need to trust me... Even if this letter may seem sudden and confusing... Hopefully one day we'll be able to talk again but for now, goodbye...
From Sonic'

I grimace realising how much it sounds like a suicide note, if anything this would have worried her more. God I can imagine her rushing frantically to warn the others and the panic created from a single letter. I facepalm myself and groan, "so stupid..." How do I do this? I'm not good at this, it's good I'm not an author. Gosh I need to go on a run again to clear my head. When reading this at first I thought it was decent compared to my 20 past scrapped letters but apparently not. I hear a beep from my phone and see it's a message from Tails.

Tails: 'Hey bud, I was hoping if you were up to it, would you like to join? I'm playing video games with some of the others.'

I pause before texting trying not to appear too obvious that I'm still avoiding a certain pink hedgehog.

Sonic: 'Who specifically?...'

I watch speech bubbles load as Tails' forms a message to send back to me, it'll be nice to hang out I haven't seen the others (apart from Shadow) in a while. Why was Shadow even so annoyed a few days ago? It's not any of his business what I do.

Tails: 'Amy's not here if that's what you're worried about... So you in?'

Tails is one of my smartest and closest friends- meaning if anyone could know how to form the right and correct words to say it would be Tails. He would also be the most open minded and understanding towards how I'm feeling...

Tail's P.O.V

As soon as Sonic arrived me and the others (Knuckles, Silver and Manic) were already able to sense something was wrong, Sonic wasn't being his usual competitive self when we tried played video games, so we decided to put everything down and just talk... Which worked out because it's been a while since anyone's hung out with him. He explained to us why we've seen less of him and his attempt of a letter to make sure to stay away from Amy.

"I thought the goal of the letter was to bring peace to Amy's mind, this could give her a heart attack" Sonic's brother snickered as he held the letter in his hand.
"It's the exact opposite of fabulous" Silver agreed sitting on a yellow bean bag passing Manic a Pepsi can.

I roll my eyes at Manic and Silver for stating the obvious before tapping my chin with my finger wrapping my head around this information sonic has told us, "Wait wait wait- let me get this straight... You're avoiding slash running away from Amy because you think she made some kind of wish to forget you? Which is why she can't remember you but remembers the rest of us?"
"Yeah exactly"
"Woah that's intense" Silver exclaimed.
I then continue to describe the situation more out loud "But not only that, you don't want to hurt her more so you've decided to fix your mistakes of running away, you're running away more?"
"Hey, when you put it that wa-"
"Oof" the white hedgehog said.
"Silver!" Manic, Knuckles and I let out in unison.
The blue hedgehog then took a deep breath before speaking, "look... I must've hurt her... A lot- I know I did and when I saw her crying so much I just- I didn't like what I saw it wasn't Amy- Amy's not like that, she's bubbly, positive and- I hurt her..." From his voice it's easy to tell how guilty he feels and I can't help but feel pity towards my best friend.
"Man..." Knuckles would frown as we would sit in silence.

The way he describes her as though it seems a bit past friendship level so I would slowly ask, "hey sonic?... Are you sure what you're feeling is just concern?... You don't think it's anything else?..."
I watch Sonic blink a few times trying to understand what I mean, he's clueless.
"What do you mean Tails? Of course he's concerned we all are" Knuckles asked obviously also not understanding as well, he's clueless as well.
I can sense Manic smirk and Silver's cheery smile from the corner of my eye, I shake my head as if to tell them not to say anything, Sonic should work it out himself.
"You know what?... Never mind... Also I thought you were close with Amy, even I know she wouldn't stay away from anyone even if they had something deadly contagious if she thought she could do something to help them... Running away isn't going to fix things bud..."
"Could you please just help me write the letter?..."

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