Day 27

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Amy's P.O.V
I'm sitting in my living room with my morning tea, warm- but not burning warm, milky and with 2 teaspoons of sugar... It's 12am and my brain is re-remembering what happened yesterday...

Sonic had poked his head through the doorway of the room tails, silver and I were in and asked, "Amy? What are you doing here?..."
My eyes were still dripping from crying earlier and I would dry them off more with my tissue but that didn't stop more tears from coming out.
"Whoa! What's wrong?" He had then rushed over and hugged me.
"We were talking about the day she lost her memory to figure out what happened but all of a sudden when she was explaining she began crying..." silver had frowned comforting me by rubbing my back.
"I'll walk her home..." Sonic sighed as he gently squeezed my hand and walked me out the door.

After walking in silence when we were halfway to my house I had calmed down a little, sonic had noticed and his emerald eyes would look slightly at me, "you feeling better ames?..."
He'd rub the back of his neck, "oh right... sorry... That's the nickname I used to call you..."

Sonic's P.O.V
I laid on the roof remembering yesterday as I closed my eyes.

I had looked away from accidentally calling her Ames... I hadn't called her that in... in a while. That reminds me of when I imagined how to tell her that she used to chase me... I still haven't thought of why I used to run away from her. I hope I didn't make her uncomfortable calling her Ames. I glanced slightly at her tapping her chin.
"Ames?" She asked
I'd nod.
"That's cute" she giggled
I felt my face warm up and I'd look away again.
"Did I have a nickname for you?"
"You used to call me sonikku..."
"Son-I-Kku?" She slowly repeated, "sonikku" she smiled from knowing this and she stayed quiet for a while, "I'm sorry by the way..."
"About what?"
"I wish I remembered more about you..."
"You don't need to be sorry about that it's not your fault..."
"I can't help it though... I wish there was something I could do to remember you"
"Ames it's not your fault..."
"It's not your fault" I said cutting her off and looking at her.
She'd look back at me quietly sadly.
"Hey... let's get milkshakes ok?..." I'd give her a reassuring smile gently placing my hand on her head.
"Ok" she'd slowly smile back.
"I should have known miss Amy Rose would smile from robbing me of my money to buy sweet things" I joked and in exchange she'd laugh

I'd then bring myself back to now and re-opened my eyes, 'she's always been so sweet...'

I then heard Shadow's voice,"Sonny boy is probably just guilty he never knew about Amy's crush on him... NEWS FLASH! EVERYONE KNEW!" Shadow complained.

"I really can't let her know about how things used to be... I don't want to upset her..."

Amy's P.O.V
I fiddled with my necklace quietly before I finally decided I'd hang out with Rouge today so we could get our nails done together and do some shopping.

Hope you enjoyed the story! Sorry I had exams so couldn't write for a bit but now I'm all done and I'll be writing up a storm! Please tell me what your thoughts were on the story! Love you! 💕💕💕

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