The Beginning

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[insert daniel gif]

Eunkyung let out a sharp breath as she stared at her brother as he gulped down a glass of water. "How are you feeling?" She spoke, slowly walking towards him, his back facing her.

"Okay. It's not like I'm going to die, Eunkyung. Chill out." Hyunjae chuckled, turning around to reassure his little sister with a smile. She rolled her eyes, "It could've been worse!"

Damn you, Park Jihoon!

"Look. I don't know whoever did this to you but this might be a vampire." Eunkyung shrugged. He furrowed his brows at her, "How can a pesky vampire do that? The security around our territory is far from unattended. Everyone is alert."

"That's what I'm worried about. This may be an inside job. Look, I encountered a vampire from Waneo Castle and he wasn't just an average one. He knows everything, he knows that we're after the 'Masked Prince'. It's like he can see our every move, there's got to be someone helping him and I don't think you being food poisoned the same day I angered him is a coincidence." She sighed.

"I'm sorry if I blew up my mission, I told you that I wasn't ready for something like thi-" "It's not your fault." Hyunjae cut her off, a stern smile forming upon his chapped lips.

"Please be careful. You can't trust anyone these days . . especially if there's any undercover pack members." She replied.


Eunkyung hid her raging insides behind a calm and composed face, she was invited inside Daniel's apartment. Seeing Jihoon open the door almost made her turn in to a wolf and rip him apart right then and there.

Daniel on the other side was clueless to the whole thing, Vampires were usually alert on how a person feels with just hearing their heart beat but since he's been taking anti-vampire shots, he can't sense her raging mood.

Jihoon could. He almost never wiped the smirk off his face as he stared right through her soul, he could easily read Eunkyung like an open book. After all, this was one of his specialties.

Vampires have their own specialties they're born with, though Jihoon lacked a little in strength, he was overflowing with reading other species like a book. Daniel was full of strength yet lacked in mental skills.

"We should hangout again next time . . don't you think, Eunkyung?" Jihoon smiled. Eunkyung could feel her inner wolf growling at his action, "I'm busy with work." She spoke, her fists clenching and unclenching.

"Oh really? Which one?" He snickered.

The girl closed her eyes as she could feel her eyes slowly turning in to a vibrant yellow colour. "None of your business." She scoffed.

"Hey guys! Food is almost ready . . sorry to keep you two waiting." Daniel peeped his head from the kitchen, an apologetic smile forming upon his tinted lips.

Eunkyung forced a smile, "That's okay. Your friend here has been a great company." Jihoon could almost laugh at her lie but he chose not to. "Maybe this time . . you'll eat with us, right?" She fixed her stare at Jihoon.

He swore he could see a smug smile forming upon her lips. Jihoon narrowed his eyes at the girl, "I ate beforehand. No thanks." He smiled.


"Okay so Jaehwan hyung, it's your turn to stay with him . . right?" Jihoon let out a bored sigh as the older boy came through the door with his things. "Yeah yeah . . now go and do your job back at Waneo Castle. You don't want Lady and Lord Kang waiting." He spoke as he patted Jihoon's shoulder.

"Oh come on! You guys don't have to take turns and act like my babysitter, I can handle myself!" Daniel huffed as he threw himself on the couch. "These are orders from her ladyship and the lord. We have no choice but to obey, your highness." Jaehwan smirked.

Daniel rolled his eyes at the boy, "And you're my friend! I want you to act like one not act like my body guard and don't call me that."

Before Jihoon left Daniel's apartment he turned around, facing the two older boys, "You know Daniel hyung . . you have to get rid of that human before your coronation comes, you don't want to lead her on to something she expected."


"Are you sure he can be trusted?" Eunkyung stared at the lone wolf ahead of her who was now peacefully sleeping on a bed. "Give him a break Eunkyung. He's probably been through a lot, plus, he's your pack member now." Hyunjae replied.

"Where did you guys exactly find him?" She turned to him, still not getting a good vibe from the lone wolf. "He was passed out near our territory. We decided to bring him in."

"Are you sure he went rogue? What if he's just suffering from dehydration and got a pack to get back to? We can't just accept someone that easily without their say." Eunkyung shrugged.

Hyunjae turned to his sister, a stern look plastered on his face. "Who's the alpha here?" Eunkyung sighed and lowered her head, "You."

"I'm glad you know because that is my final decision. We're taking him in. Now if you excuse yourself and get him new clothes when he wakes up." He let out a sharp sigh.

Eunkyung nodded, "Yes, Alpha Kwon."


biiiiihhhhh im so relieved i thought i didnt know where i was going with this story but ive got it down yall !!! also ya gurl just finished her first official day at school and it was great :))

also great news, i dont have school tmrw cause its a public holidaaaay !! :)

smh wattpad isnt letting me put gifs uP :((

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