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"I'm glad you didn't hesitate to decide

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"I'm glad you didn't hesitate to decide." Lady Kang gave her son an ice cold smile, her deep crimson red eyes boring in to his purple one's. She could loudly hear his rapidly beating heart alongside with the scent of a wolf on him, it made her curious.

"She's here." Daniel spoke, avoiding her red piercing eyes as he clenched his fists by his side. "Who?" His mother spoke, her expressionless face almost made him think she didn't care. "The human, moreover the filthy wolf who tried killing me. The wolf from the Kwon Pack."

Daniel felt his blood boil just at the mention of the word 'wolf'. He could honestly tell the changes in his body as his initiation was nearing, he easily got angry and he had very little patience for anything.

That's because he's going to become a vampire king, becoming a vampire king could make you merciless hence why he felt such emotions course through his veins.

"We've got Jihoon back on our side, thanks to Jihoon. What should I do about that wolf?" Daniel didn't know why but he felt a pang in his chest as the second sentence rolled off his lips, there was something inside him that was trying to fight his emotions especially his anger towards the girl.

Lady Kang gave a wicked smile as she took gentle steps towards the boy, running her fingers along the side of his face, the coldness of it making Daniel shiver. "She's going to be part of your initiation." She replied, her voice laced with venom.

Every time a vampire becomes a vampire king or queen, they have to go through the coronation of course but there's also this process called the 'initiation'.

This process is when the vampire who is becoming a queen or a king has to kill an enemy or a human being, sucking their blood dry until there's nothing left. This shows that they are capable enough of becoming the leader of the Castle.

It shows how little mercy they have because the less mercy, the more praising the soon to be vampire king or queen gets.

The prince had mixed emotions go through his body, he couldn't figure out which one to follow but he could definitely point out which emotions came from which side of him.

"Instead of going after her while she runs away, we're going to put you two in a cell and you can do whatever you want with her." Lady Kang added, examining Daniel's face.

He didn't know how to feel about that.

One side of him thought it was great so he could get his hands on her and kill her right then and there but the other thought it was horrible, he'd rather have her run away and never be found by him.

"Okay . ." Daniel nodded. "You should go get ready soon." Lady Kang spoke before walking past her son and off to god knows where she was going.

Daniel looked back at her mother before going towards the stairs that led to the bottom of the Castle. He had the urge to visit Eunkyung before his coronation started and he didn't know why.

He took hasty steps down the flight of stairs, finally reaching the bottom. The area was dimly lit with fire torches that were attatched to the stone cold walls, Daniel could see several guards patrolling the area despite only having one prisoner.

Which was Eunkyung of course.

The boy strode towards her cell, the sole of his shoes colliding with the stone floor making clicking sounds.

Eunkyung could hear one's heart beat as the footsteps neared, she could tell it was Daniel. Who else would it be? She honestly didn't know whether she would come back alive or rot in her very own cell.

"Daniel . ." She breathed out, standing from her sitting position ever so quickly. The girl gripped the rusting bars that seperated them, looking in to his deep purple eyes that were hard to read.

"Leave us for now." He coldly ordered the guards, his eyes glued to her yellow one's. They quickly scurried off, not wanting to oppose their highness' order or else they'll never see tomorrow.

The boy slid his hand in between the gap of the metallic bars, carressing her cheek. Eunkyung could feel her inner wolf growling but somewhat liking his touch, she was just as confused as her wolf.

"I'm so sorry . ." He breathed out, examining her face. Daniel was trying so hard to fight his inner vampire but it was so hard, he couldn't do it.

Not even for the enemy he loved.

Eunkyung let out a little gasp as she could see his eyes slightly changing from deep purple to a slight crimson colour. "Your eyes . . they're changing colours." She spoke, not knowing if it was a good sign or not.

It wasn't a good sign.

Daniel hastily brought his hand back to his side, anger suddenly flowing throughout his body. He tried fighting it so much, he wanted to at least tell her sweet words before his inner vampire controls his body to kill her.

The boy sharply inhaled and exhaled before walking away, different kinds of emotions once again coursing through his veins.

It was unstoppable this time.


well this took long enough akshjssksjdnn

anyway, sorry for the really late updates on this book !! a little late but have y'all seen wanna one's update?

anyway, sorry for the really late updates on this book !! a little late but have y'all seen wanna one's update?

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aksjsksj i know this ain't Danny but d a m n.

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