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Eunkyung let out a sigh as she watched Daniel jog down the street before turning back to Jihoon, giving him a glare

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Eunkyung let out a sigh as she watched Daniel jog down the street before turning back to Jihoon, giving him a glare. "What do you want, Jihoon?"

"Let's talk somewhere where theres less people, or better, none." A sly smile formed upon the boy's strangely vibrant red lips, Eunkyung could feel her inner wolf groan in disgust as she figured why his lips were red.

"And what makes you think that I'm going to come with you?" She growled, her eyes turning slight yellow due to her anger increasing bit by bit.

The vampire took a quick scan around the place and found no sight of mortals walking about, he smirked to himself and quickly lunged towards the girl's neck.

His sharp vampiric fangs ripping in to her skin, it all happened too fast for Eunkyung, the next thing she knew was she could feel the sharp pain on her neck and it made her numb.

Eunkyung couldn't let out a scream due to her weakness. In no time, before Jihoon could suck the girl dry, he hastily pushed her off himself as the pit of his stomach along with his throat started burning.

The boy groaned, clutching his stomach as he dropped his knees to the ground. Despite being dizzy, Eunkyung lightly smiled to herself, thanking Jiro's potion which worked on Jihoon.

She hastily tore the bottom of her shirt and wrapped it around her neck where the two punctured holes were so the blood could stop rushing out, with all her strength, Eunkyung quickly grabbed the fallen unconscious vampire  and texted Jiro for help.


"Are you feeling better now?" Hyunjae leaned on the door frame as he stared at the omega. Clearly, he tried training Jisung so he could be on the watch around the territory with other wolves but Jisung didn't know any skills for fighting.

He was weak.

The omega nodded, holding an ice pack against his bruised cheek, "You know, everybody has to have a part in this pack, we have to help each other, I still haven't known you for long and maybe that's why we still haven't found out what your role is." The alpha sighed.

Before Jisung could speak, one of the pack members rushed towards them. "With all due respect Alpha but your father's brother has landed on our territory! What do we do?" She spoke with panick in her tone.

"What!? Tell the guards that he shouldn't be able to reach inside here! I'll deal with him outside." Hyunjae exclaimed before hastily rushing out.

Hyunjae's blood boiled, remembering what that filthy wolf did made him sick to the stomach. He was the reason why his parent's died, his uncle should've died instead.

The alpha's eyes turned bright yellow at the sight of the familiar figure. He narrowed his eyes at his uncle as he walked up to him, "Is this how we are now? Your guards surrounding me, a family member? I feel welcomed." His uncle sarcastically spoke.

"A family member? Is that one of the lies you tell yourself?" Hyunjae replied. "My brother did not teach you to speak with someone older than you."

"He didn't. But I taught myself to speak that way to traitors like you and what are you doing in my territory? Last time I checked you were no longer part of this pack, do you want me to explain why you left or have you remembered now?" The alpha chuckled, a smirk forming upon his lips.

Before his uncle could even speak, Hyunjae already opened his mouth, "Actually I'll say it so everyone can hear. You set my father up! You purposely set Waneo Castle's east wing on fire and left a note saying it was from our pack!" The alpha exclaimed, his insides burning up.

"I guess we all know why you did it, you were jealous because my father was picked to be the alpha instead of you! Of course, you being the jealous person you are, left our pack a few days after the coronation. You were no longer even in our pack when you set Waneo Castle on fire! You're the reason why us wolves and vampires despise eachother!" Hyunjae balled his hands in to fists, angry as ever.


Eunkyung grunted and threw the vampire on to one of their cells, she scanned the unconscious boy and smirked to herself. "Serves him right."

"Don't be too happy now. He's probably going to wake up soon." Jiro dusted his hands before closing the door cell and locking it.

Eunkyung gasped as she turned around, revealing the newly added member of their pack, "Why are you here? You're not supposed to be here!" She exclaimed, her inner wolf barking at the boy.

"S-sorry . . I got lost, I was just touring around the place, still trying to get used to it." Jisung muttered. "I'll be going now." He added before scurrying off.

Jiro raised a brow at Jisung, "Is he new?" He asked. Eunkyung nodded.

The witch didn't know why but Jisung looked oddly familiar to him.


omg yall i cant wait for w1 comebaCK !!111! sorry if i keep talking abt it but i just really caNT.

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