Abort Mission

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The girl slowly walked past the gates of their territory, Daniel's words still ringing on the back of her mind

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The girl slowly walked past the gates of their territory, Daniel's words still ringing on the back of her mind. It was haunting her. Eunkyung balled her hands in to a fist, not knowing what to do now that she knows he's a vampire.

Moreover, the masked prince.

"Eunkyung? What made you visit again? Your report back isn't until next week?" Her brother sternly spoke as she walked through their meeting room. She could tell he was annoyed as she had just barged in a middle of an important meeting with the high tiers.

"I-i have something to tell you . . Can we please have a moment, brother?" Eunkyung didn't care if the others were staring at her weirdly because of how any moment she looked like she was going to breakdown, she didn't care.

All it matters was that she can't kill the love of her life.

"That can wait. Now, if you excuse us-" "It can't wait! It's about the masked prince! With all due respect, Alpha, but isn't your family more important than this?" Eunkyung could feel her inner wolf growling.

Jisung, who was their to serve drinks, almost dropped the cup in his hand as he heard his prince's name. How could they have a lead on who the masked prince is? Daniel has been hiding real good. He thought.

Hyunjae sighed, his hands balling in to fists that rested on top of the table. "Will you all please give us a moment?" The Alpha spoke, letting out another sigh.

The high tiers left the room without a word, they wouldn't want to taste the wrath of their Alpha if they disobeyed, all they could hope for is to see tomorrow. Jisung, on the other hand, slowly walked across the room to get to the door, trying to at least over hear any conversations between them.

Eunkyung eyed the omega before walking towards her brother, not caring what the low wolf heard. "I can't kill the masked prince!" She cried out, her desperate tone laced with frustration.

The omega's brows furrowed at her sentence as it didn't make sense to him. Not that he was complaining that she couldn't kill Daniel, he just needed to know why.

"What?" Hyunjae asked, a hint of frustration in his voice. "Kwon Eunkyung, as an Alpha, I have ordered you to carry out this mission and you promised to stick to it till the en-" "I'm in love with him okay!?" She exclaimed.

Jisung's eyes widened, he heard her sentence before closing the door. Daniel knows Eunkyung!? He thought.

Eunkyung ran her fingers through her hair, not knowing how to start the story. "Are you telling me, you've known the masked prince for a long time and you never told us?" He asked.

"No! Of course I wouldn't do that! I just- I knew now! I met him in the human world, I never knew it was him till he confronted me about it because Jihoon is caught in our territory!" She sighed.

Tears pooled on the brim of her eyes, she didn't know what to do, honestly. Eunykung didn't want to kill Daniel, he's done nothing to her.

Jisung hastily stepped outside and dialed Daniel to tell him all about the news.

After a couple of rings, the vampire finally picked up. "What? Have you taken Jihoon out of there?" The boy sounded distressed.

Daniel figured the best way to take Jihoon out of the place was through Jisung since he's the one on the inside working with the wolves.

"No but-" "Then I don't want to hear it." The younger boy cut his sentence off, clearly uninterested. "Your Highness you have to listen to me! Do you know a girl named Kwon Eunkyung?" Daniel's ears perked at the mention of her name.

He felt his heart skip a beat and couldn't help but smile. "Yes, why?" Daniel asked.

"She's a wolf, my prince. Not long ago she bursted in to the meeting room and told us about how she knew you, Eunkyung was missioned to kill you, Daniel!" The younger vampire froze at the mention of Eunkyung and wolf.

He shook his head, his ears must be deceiving him. "Stop lying to me Jisung! It's not funny!" "With all due respect, my prince, why would I lie to you? And why are you in such denial, are you perhaps in love with her too?" Jisung asked.

Daniel caught on to the last word of the sentence, thinking that the 'too' was a hope for a change. He felt that Eunkyung liked him back but now that he knows everything about her and her motive, that last word doesn't change anything.

Whether she loves him back or not, he doesn't care. Eunkyung was still missioned to kill him.

"Get Jihoon out of there now!" Ideas rushed through his vampiric mind as he was the soon to be king of Waneo Castle.

Daniel figured that after his coronation, him and his clan would attack the Kwon Territory as a revenge for trying to kill him.


ahhhh this book is finishing sooner than never mind LMAOOO

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