They are big and small
Thick, thin, and round
They are bent and straight
Black, white, and even brown
Some are broken
Some don't have a tip
Some are all scratched up
Some even drip
There are
All shapes and sizes
All colors and imperfections
All the wonders of not knowing
And all the excitement of showing
They say men are from mars
And women from Venus
If I've lost you somewhere
Your probably thinking "penis"
But really its not that obvious
It never is, then
Your shocked and mad
When you realize I was talking about
A pen...
--------------------------------------------------------------Hahaha Boom! I bet most of you will deny ever having thought anything dirty. "Oh no I was thinking pen the whole time" "no i was thinkin of something else not a pen or penis but something else" psshhh. ok. You dirty liars you! XD
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