A/N: Read the first poem in a fancy "English"(english meaning from england) accent, if you already have one, then read it in a snobby English accent. XD
There once was a fine youg gentelman...
who had an aunt suzy.
she was quite the doozy
because aunt suzy, was a bit too boozy.
She hadn't a single cloozy that she was a doozy.
She went to bed to snoozy and fell on the floor and felt woozy.
I just wanted to see if i can write the dumbest most pointless poem ever. I think this one is my best so far. lmao XD
Fearing freddy felt ferociously fickle, following fingerless fiona forever.
Little lilly liked licking lopsided liam's long lasting lollipop.
I know where your minds were going on that last one you pervs! lol XD
one, two, smell my poo
three, four, i'm a whore
five, six, lots of..........stix
seven, eight, masterdebate
nine, ten, coun't again!
Here's the next challenge for you guys! Make your own counting poem just like that! drop it below in the comments! XD
Poetry******WARNING: ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS AND POINTLESS****** You'll never believe the twists on these poems! Check out The Most Hilarious Interactive Poetry serious of all time!