Marijuana what?

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A/N: Sorry, once again there is no surprise on this one. but damned if it isn't funny. XD

Stoner 1: Dude what if like, stuff happened where we could go to the moon, and like it was made of cheese. And we could like totally eat it?

Stoner 2: yeah. or like, what if mars was just one giant planet made of strawberry ice cream? and we could like eat that too?

Stoner 1: oh man. your like blowing my mind.

To a stoned person, this is philosophical and mind blowingly deep conversation. To normal people its just way to funny not to laugh at how stupid they are. lol

Don't get high, or else you'll die

What will cause you to die?

Well if you smoke weed, you'll be real dumb

One day your, high as a kite

You find your stomache is feeling real light

You go to the store and but some chips

You get home and break em out, and you forget the dip

So you go back to the store to get some more stuff

And before you do, you take one more puff

You get to the store and meet a guy

Who's cool and nice, and he also lieks to get high

You talk for a bit and head out the store

He asks if you have weed, and if so, do you want some more

You say yes and go to his place

You get there, walk in the door and get punched in the face

You wake up dazed and find you've been robbed

You weren't expecting that, so you sobbed.

You got back home, bruised and beaten

You find that all your chips had been eaten

Your dog had his fill, and was feeling well

Your so damn hungry, but no food, your in hell

Your mom walks in, and sees your eyes

She see's your brusies, and is surprised

She asks you, "what happened to your face?"

You don't know what to say, you just wish this day would erase

Your mom beats you to death when she learns the truth

You should have been smarter, and had a little cooth

So your dead, from one small deed

So i tell you guys and girls, don't smoke weed.

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