♥-chapter two-♥

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I drfted through school the next few days, gradually filling out the balnks on my map and larning the way things were done. Once I'd caught up with the work, I found I could cope with my classes, even if some of the style of teaching was unfamiliar. It was more formal than England - no first names for students, all of us seated in individual rows rather than in pairs - but I thought I had adjusted OK. 

One place I hadn't had time to check out was the music pratice room. I've got such a huge passion for music and I reckoned the music room was going to turn out to be my favourite place to run to.

After Lisa and I had finished our lunch, I checked my timetable to see I had a free period. According to Lisa, everyone in the year had a free period, but it's what they do spending it that matters. Lisa doesn't want to spend her time playing music because she thinks it's a waste of time.

Since I didn't know where much was - I had been only attending for a few days - Lisa showed me to the music room, then hurried off to "find something better to do".

I'd see pictures on the school website but the music suite was much better equipped than even I had hoped. The glossy black grand piano in the corner had me itching to get my hands on as soon as I entered. Students had their own favourite intruments. A couple of girls were practising scales on their flutes. A tall boy with blond hair - clearly dyed from brown - wearing large glasses with clear lenses was changing the reed on his clarinet, his expression serious.

I looked round the room, looking for a seat with a good view of the piano. There was a space next to a girl on the far side. I made towards it but her friend sat down before I could.

'Sorry,' she apologised, seeing I was still hovering over her shoulder, 'but this seat's taken.'

'Right,' I mumbled.

I perched alone on the edge of a desk and waited, avoiding meeting anyone's eye.

'Hey. You're Kenzie, right?' A boy with blond spikey hair and pale skin took my head, giving it a complicated shake. 

I gave him a confused look. 'Um ... hi. You know me?'

'Yeah,' he said with a chuckle. 'I'm David. You met my grandma. She told me to look out for you. Everyone treating you well, yeah?'

OK - so he wasn't like Mrs Bailey after all, way too cool.

I nodded. 'Everyone's been friendly. Thank you.'

He grinned at my accent before dropping down beside me, putting his feet up on the chair in front. 'Awesome. I think you'll have no problem fitting right in.'

I needed to hear that because just then, I was having doubts.

The door banged open and who I suspected was Mr Kennedy (the music teacher) entered. He was a hefty man with the ginger hair of a Celt. 

'Ladies and gentlemen,' he began, his eyes examining the sea of students. 'I've got a few announcements: we've got a big programme of concerts scheduled since Christmas is coming along swiftly. Also, ochestra starts on Wednesday, Jazz band on Friday. And for all you budding rock stars, if you want to book the music room for your own music practice, please speak to me about it first. But why do I bother - you know the drill.' He dumped the papers down. 'Except perhaps you.' Music Master has bought his X-ray vision to bear on me. 

I hate being new.

'I'm catching up fast, sir,' I told him.

'Good for you. Name?'

'Kenzie McIntyre.'

'What do you play, Miss McIntyre?' he asked.

'A bit of piano, guitar, and tenor sax. Oh, and I sing a little.'

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