♥-chapter twenty-four-♥

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The FBI agent I'd encountered months ago met me in the washrooms at McCarran airport, Las Vegas, to fit me with my wire.

'Hi, Kenzie. Ally Kowalski. Remember me?' she asked, getting out her kit.

 'Yes, of course.'

 She smiled at me in the mirror, her sleek brown hair glowing in the spotlights. 'We appreciate what you're doing for us.'

'Not to be disrespectful, but I'm doing this for Harry.'

 'I understand, love.'

'Can we hurry up, please? Debbie might come looking for me any minute now.'

She grinned at my worried reflection. 'That's not likely; she's being interviewed by a local reporter on her views on airport standards. He's not letting her get away.'

 'And he is?'

'One of our men.' She slipped a tiny microphone on the elastic of my bra. 'That should do it. Try not to cover up too much and remember not to bash it with anything - purse, whatever - as it gives our listening post a nasty headache.'

 'OK. That's it? No battery or wire?'

'Nope. It's got its own little power pack and will run for about twenty-four hours. No wires to give it away.'

'Does this usually work?' I asked with worry. 

'We've never had a problem before.'

 I said thanks to agent Kowalski before hurrying out the bathroom, finding Debbie and the reporter. 

 'Debbie,' I called, standing by Dean's side. 'We're ready to go.'

She nodded saying her goodbyes to the reporter. 

Approaching us, she said, 'That reporter was seriously interested in my views on airport standards.' She smiled cheerfully. 'He agreed that the airport was bland and needed some challenging artwork up on the walls.'

'That's nice, Deb,' I replied. 'But can we get a move on?'

Dean linked his arm with mine and Debbie's and waltzed us out the airport to the waiting car.

Sliding into the back seat, the reality of what was happening rushed back. I felt a chill run up my spine. I needed to contact someone, get some reassurance of what I was willing to do. There was only one person I could think of - literally. 

Using telepathy thoughts, I called for Harry.


It's OK, Kenzie. Ethan and I are two cars behind. We won't lose you, babe.

Is it all right to talk like this - with our thoughts?

Telepathy, you mean?


 It should be all right until we reached the hotel. We're guessing Maria Kane is the surviving shield expert so we mustn't take risks.

Tell me again: how much do I have to get from them for the FBI to move in?

We need them to admit to involvement in the kidnapping or to do something illegal on this trip, like try to falsify your memories - that's the most likely. An added bonus would be any sight or sound of the two Kanes escapees.

How do I get them to do that? 

They've set things up to bring you here so they must have a plan. Go along with things as far as you can. We're guessing they're going to separate you from Dean and Debbie.

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