♥-chapter nineteen-♥

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It was the sounds that first alerted me that I was in hospital. I didn't open my eyes but I could hear the hushed noise in the room - a machine humming, people murmuring. I could feel the pain, dulled by drugs but still lurking. My arm was badaged and I could feel the pull of the dressing my hair and itch of the stitches.

Slowly, I let my eyes flutter open. The light was too bright.

'Kenzie?' Debbie was at my side in an instant. 'Are you thirsty, love? The doctors said you must drink.' She held a beaker out, her hands shaking.

'Give her a moment, honey,' said Dean, coming to stand behind her. 'Are you all right, Ken?'

I nodded. I didn't want to speak. My head was still messed up, conflicting images. I couldn't work out what was real and what I had imagined. 

Supporting my head, Debbie held the water to my lips and I took a sip. 

'Better now? Can you use your voice?' she asked.

There were too many voices - mine, Harry, a man saying he was my friend. I closed my eyes and turned my face to the pillow.

'Dean!' Debbie sounded distressed.

I didn't want to upset her. Perhaps if I pretended I wasn't there, she would be happy again and walk away. That sometimes worked.

'She's in shock, Deb,' said Dean soothingly. 'Give her a chance.'

'But she's not been like this since we first had her. I can see it in her eyes. It's fear.'

'Shh, Deborah. Don't go jumping to conclusions. Kenzie, you take all the time you need, you hear, sweetheart? No-one's going to rush you.'

Debbie sat down on the bed and took my hand. 'We love you, Kenzie. Hold on to that.'

But I didn't want love. It hurt.

Debbie sighed. 'Kenzie, please tell me you're all right. I can't bear this.'

'I'm all right,' I rasped. I wasn't. My brain was a junkyard of bits and pieces. 

'Thank you, darling.' Debbie squeezed my hand. 'I needed to hear it.'

Dean fiddled with an arrangement of flowers, clearing his throat several times. 'We're not the only ones who want to know you're OK. Harry Styles and his family have been camping out in the visitors' loung.'

Harry. My confusion increased. Panic zapped through me like an electric shock. I'd realised something important about him, but I slammed the door closed again.

'I can't. No, Dean, I just can't.'

'It's all right. I'll just go tell them you've woken up but you're not ready for visitors at the minute. But I'm afraid the police are waiting to speak to you. We have to let them in.'

'I don't know what to say.'

'Just tell them the truth.'

Dean went out to give the Styles the news. I gestured to Debbie that I wanted to sit up. I now noticed that her face looked strained and tired.

'How long have you been here?'

'You've been out for twelve hours, Kenzie. The doctors couldn't explain why and we were worried.'

Something made me glance up. The Styles were leaving the hospital. Harry slowed by the window in the corridor that looked into my room and our eyes met. I had the horrible sensation in the pit of my stomach. Fear. He stopped, placing his hands on the glass to reach for me. I clenched my fists under the cover. Deep inside I could hear a ringing note, dicordant, violent. The water jug on the bedside table began to judder; the overhead light stuttered; the buzzer to summon the nurse jumped off the rail and crashed to the floor. 

Soulmates. (Harry Styles) -completed-Where stories live. Discover now