Chapter 6: The Chariots

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I walk down the halls of the building, looking back on distant memories. I try to forget about the Capitol and the Games. I'm just starting to distract myself when I feel a set of fingers grip around my arm. I'm yanked into a corner.

"Why is a young girl like you walking down these hallways but herself then?" The voice says.

I'm too scared to say anything back.

It's a male. He laughs, "My name's Cinna. I'm your stylist. Unless, of course, you're not Primrose Everdeen?"

My heart pounds. I move back so a light shines on his face. From what I can see, he's dark skinned, with black hair and brown eyes. He's also quite short.

"I-I am Primrose. Well, Prim actually." I choke out.

"Hmm. We can work with that," He says, a smile forming on his face, "It's time to make an impression."

He leads me into a room with 3 other stylists. The typical Capitol people. They introduce themselves as Flavius, Octavia and Venia. Cinna leaves me in their company and tells me he'll be back when they've finished. They strip me of my clothes and hose me down. They do a number of other stuff to me, which hurts, before Cinna comes back. I don't really like my other stylists, so when Cinna asks me into the next room, I don't hesitate to follow him.

I walk into a metal-like room, like all the other rooms. There's a dress casing hanging on the wall.

"This is what you'll be wearing at the chariot parade." Cinna tells me, unzipping the casing.

He reveals a long black dress. It has a low neck line and red spirals all over it. It's amazing.

"Wow Cinna, it's beautiful." I say astonished.

"I'm glad you like it." He replies.

When i've slipped it on and Cinna's done my make-up, I look in the mirror. I look like a different person; a better, healthier person. I don't know how he did it, but he did. 30 minutes until the chariot ride and i'm finally ready. With my red streaks on my face, and flowy black dress on, I make my way with Cinna to my chariot. I wonder if Peeta will talk to me.


I stroke the horses until Peeta boards the chariot. He still isn't speaking to me. I get on with him and the horses start to move. The Capitol anthem booms around me, filling the stadium. The crowd roars as all of us get out into the open. I've stolen a look at some of the other tributes and some of them look big and strong, some of them the same size as me. The girl from 11 is the same age as me, I think. She seems nice, but I could never trust anyone in the Games. They would only kill me because i'm so young and small. The boy from 2 is the one i'm most worried about. He's the main career tribute. The careers are tributes from District 1, 2 and 4. They all usually become allies, kill all the other tributes, then turn on eachother. They very rarely don't win.

My thoughts are interrupted as I feel myself falling. I panick and grab onto Peeta's arm for balance. He looks at me quickly, but turns back to look forward and yanks his arm from my grip. I want to ask him what i've done wrong, but I know he won't be able to hear me. Before I know it, we come to a hault; standing before President Snow.

"Welcome, welcome tributes, we welcome you," He dominates the crowd, "Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favour." He talks some more but I don't really listen. Instead, I stand staring at Peeta. I know he notices me looking at me, but he doesn't face me.

When he finishes talking, we ride off through the doors and we are enclosed again.

"Congratulations, you made it through the first challenge." Haymitch says pitifully.

I ignore him.

"Training starts tomorrow," Cinna says, "I wish you all the best." He kisses me on the cheek, and with that, he leaves.

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