Chapter 13: The Bloodbath

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The sound of the gunshot rings in my ears as I sprint across the plain. Out of curiosity, I turn back and look at the chaos at the cornucopia. Some are fleeing the site, however most of the tributes still remain in the middle. At least 6 lay on the ground. Dead. Killed most probably by the careers. Now they are hunting for more victims.

I see the girl from 1, Glimmer, on top of another girl. She lifts her knife and brings it back down again. I look away so I don't see the horror of the girl's death. When I look back, Glimmer is still on top of the girl, but she's laughing and high-fiving the boy from 2, Cato. He helps her up and they move to the mouth of the cornucopia to collect weapons and supplies. They meet the boy from 1, Marvel, and the girl from 2, Clove there as well.

Why am I still standing here? I need to hide.

I take one last look, then leave. I need to find water first. I push through branches and twigs as I run as fast as I can to get away. One hits me in the face and I stumble over. I touch my face and find blood on my fingers.

'Great,' I think, 'I'm hurt already.'

I get up and carry on. I have to make sure no one will be able to catch up with me.

As time passes, I start to get tired. I haven't found any traces of water yet and i'm worried I won't find it anytime soon.

"Boom!" I stop in my tracks, "Boom!"

1, 2, 3, 4, 5... I count 12. The boom of a canon signals the death of a tribute. 12. Twelve tributes dead. Twelve tributes still alive.

The sky slowly turns dark and I decide that I should rest. I climb up a tree and sit on the highest branch I think can hold me up. It was easy climbing up the tree because i'm so small and light. I hope I don't fall out of it.

I survived the first day. I wonder if i'll survive the next.

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