Chapter 17: A Familiar Face

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Oh my God. She's dead. My ally's dead. I fall next to Rue as Clove runs towards me. I close my eyes. If I'm going to die, then I want it to be now. Next to my ally. Next to my friend. I wait, but nothing happens. Then I hear a thud. My eyes fly open and I see a boy on top of Clove. She screams and he stabs her. The sound of a cannon mutes the piercing scream. Fear strikes through me as the boy turns around. He's going to kill me now. But when he turns, I recognise him. The boy from my district. The boy I was reaped with. The boy who hasn't spoken to me since we met. Peeta. He runs over and kneels next to Rue.

"Peeta..." I say ashtonished.

He looks at me.

"Peeta, she's dead." He checks Rue's pulse.

A tear rolls down my cheek.

"Why did you save me?"

He doesn't answer.

"Peeta! Just talk to me! What have I done that's so bad?!" I shout, unable to keep in my anger anymore.

"I don't want to get attached. Okay?" He says sternly.

"Attached?" I say.

"Yes, attached. No offense, but I don't think you're going to win. Right from the start, I knew you would never make it. I didn't want to know you and lose you."

"That's the reason you ignored me when I was going through the toughest time of my life? The time when I needed the most support?" My voice raises.

We fall silent.

"I saved you because," He pauses, "because of your sister."

"My sister?" I ask confused.

He sighs, "I might as well tell you now, seen as though we're probably both going to die," He pauses again, "I love Katniss."

How could he love my sister? She's never mentioned him before. As far as I know, they've never spoken to eachother before.

"She doesn't even know who you are." I tell him.

"No, but I've watched her everyday. I love the way her hair is always in a plait. The way she sings. The way she hunts. Everything about her. The problem is, she didn't even know me until the reaping; until now. I didn't want to get to know you because I didn't want to lose a part of her."

"Why save me now then?" His fist tightens.

"Because I realised she would hate me if I let you die."

Without warning, I throw my arms around him.

"Thank you."

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