Chapter 11: The Interviews

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I'm aware of everything around me as soon as I come into site of the crowd. The screams, the cheers, the admiration. Everything seems more amplified too. The seats seem bigger. The stage, wider. My pounding heart, louder.

"Primrose! How lovely to see you!" Caesar says excitedly.

He reaches out to grab my arm. He leads me to the chair facing opposite him.

"How are you doing then?" He says caringly.

Innocent. Think innocent.

"I'm a little scared to be honest, Caesar."

'Good.' I think.

"Aw, don't worry Prim, I'm sure you'll get a lot of sponsors while you're in The Games," he says, "Will she?!" He asks the crowd. They roar in response. This reassures me a bit.

"So tell me about what it's like at home?"

"It's hard," I hesitate, "We eat what we can to try to survive. My sister helps feed and look after my mother and I," I decide to use my father's story to gain sympathy, "You see, my father died in a mine explosing a few years ago and my mother has never been the same. She stopped eating, drinking, talking. My sister and I had to do everything we could to bring her back. I'm worried my mother will slip away again, then Katniss, my sister, will be alone," A tear falls from my eye, but it's not forced, "I just miss them so much, and I want to go home."

Caesar looks frantic. He knows he needs to get me off the stage. He puts his hand behind the chair and weakly waves it; signalling to someone. A buzzer goes off.

"Well, Prim, I'm sorry but your time is up. It's been lovely having you and I wish you the best of luck. Ladies and gentlemen, Primrose Everdeen!" The crowd cheers and I see some of them crying. I feel guilty for using my father's memory for a bad cause, but I know I had to do it.

I stumble off the stage and come face to face with Haymitch.

"Well done, Prim. You're a natural."

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