Chapter 24: The Twist

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"Come on, Mum! Don't just sit there! Look at me! Mum please!" My sister pleaded.

I watched my mother stare into space as my sister screamed at her. My father had been dead a few weeks. He worked in the mines, and one day, the whole district heard the explosion. Something went wrong. Everyone in the mines died that day. My mother went into a deep depression. She didn't want to talk, eat, sleep, drink. She shut herself off. Katniss helped us survive for weeks. She brought back game and genrally kept us alive. She couldn't take mother's silence anymore, so I sat and watched Katniss scream in her face; trying to get her to come back. She did in the end of course, snap back into reality, but the damage had already been done. Katniss was now the mother of the family. From then on, she kept us alive. She-

Wait. My eyes flash open.

I'm alive.

I frantically pull off the gas mask from my face and quickly sit up on the hard, metallic table. I thought I was dead? What's going on?

I look to my left and see a screen with all the tributes' faces on it. 23 of the tributes' faces are in red, including mine. However one is in blue. Peeta. There's a word flashing on his head. Victor. He won. Peeta actually won. For me.

I wonder how long I've been here. Before I have a chance to think about anything else, the door at the end of the room opens. President Snow strolls in.

"Ah, Primrose. I see you have woken up."

"What's going on?" I ask scaredly.

"Oh yes. You see, Prim, Panem has a secret."

"A secret?"

"Yes, a secret."

"What's the secret?"

"No one ever dies in The Hunger Games, Prim. No one. The rest of the citizens in Panem think 23 tributes die each year, but the truth is, this is a lie. We're sending you to a place called, Chicargo. You will live the rest of your life in a certain faction-"

"Faction?" I interrupt.

"Yes, faction. All of that business will be explained when you meet your new family."

"What? My new family? What about Katniss and my mother and Peeta? What about them?"

"They think you're dead, Primrose. You'll never see them again. Now, here is your new identification."

He walks over to my table and hands me a small card.

"Your new name is, Beatrice Prior. Your mother is named, Natalie Prior and your father, Andrew Prior. You have a brother named Caleb and you will live in the faction: Abnegation."

"This isn't happening..." I mumble to myself.

"I believe it is, Miss Everdeen, I believe it is."

"No, I won't let this happen."

"It is happening. This policy has been running since the very first Hunger Games, it's not going to stop just because you don't like it. Now, a peacekeeper will come in a moment to escort you to the hovercraft that will take you to your home. I wish you the best of luck in your new life, Primrose, and remember, may the odds be ever in your favour." He smiles ever so faintly and walks out.

I fall off my table and drop to the floor. My heart sinks into the pit of my stomach as I imagine my new family. My mother, Katniss, I'll never see them again. I cry as loud as I can. How could this happen? How am I alive? I died. I died in that arena. I shouldn't be here. I wish I wasn't here. How could they send me to a new world? Send me to a new family? A new life? It doesn't make sense. Nothing makes sense anymore.

I form into a ball and scream into my hands. I miss my family so much. I can't leave them. They need to know I'm alive.

"We're ready for you now, Miss Everdeen." The peacekeeper tells me.

I didn't even hear her come in. I compose myself and shakily stand up off the floor.

She guides me through several hallways until we come to a hovercraft. Before I board it, I look to my right.

"Rue!" I scream, "Rue!"

She snaps her head towards me, "Prim! Prim! Choose Dauntless! Dauntless! Choose Dauntless!" She manages to shout this before her peacekeeper drags her into her hovercraft.

Dauntless? What's Dauntless?

"Forget what she said." My peacekeeper says in my ear.

I give her a sharp look and step into the hovercraft. I place myself in a seat and look through the window, looking out onto Panem.

Beatrice Prior, your new life awaits you.


Well then guys! That's it! I really hope you enjoyed the first book to this trilogy. I hope you also like the plot twist.

Stay tuned because I will start posting the second book to this trilogy very soon. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks.

Please vote, comment and share with your friends! I love sharing my ideas with you and I hope you like them too :) Thanks for being amazing followers!

Byeeee! :)

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