ABC of School
Algorithms aplenty
Bunsen burners blazing
Chemistry compounds collected
Dissecting dozens
English explored
French followed fretfully
German greatly guttural
History helpfully honed
Intrigued by ICT
Jumping jacks, jogging
Keats & Kipling kissing kudos
Learning loosely, laughing loudly
Mathematics mostly missed
Nouns name
Onomatopoeic options
Physical presence purposefully pronounced
Quadratics questioned
Religions researched, reasoned
Shakespeare studied seriously
Toilets typically trashed
Understanding usually undervalued
Vulgar values voiced vociferously
Wasted wisdom
Xylems, xenon, xanthophyll
Youths yelling
Zits zapped zealously
All because children differ, education fundamentally grows healthy, independent, joyful kids. Learning must not oppose personal questions, rather, support teenagers understand varying well-roundedness. Xeno-youth zeal!!
With Style: Poetry - Monthly Poetry Style Challenges
PoetryHello and welcome to the Poets Pub's poetry style challenges. Each month we will be challenging our members to write poetry in a new style. Have you ever written a sonnet, limerick, haiku, or BLITZ poem? Well now is your chance to exercise your p...