"A Prince Arrives"
Awaiting another arrival again
Beautiful baby boy began
Cute calm cuddly child
Dreaming desiring dreading defiled
Eloquent eyes ever evident
Family, friends faithfully frequent
Giving grateful glorious glamour
Helping herald happy humour
Investing innocent intimacy intently
Joking jumping jabbering jointly
Kindly keeping kissing keen
Laughing loudly lucky lean
Mothers man maybe make
Nan nevermind no namesake
Over old olive option
Plying pure protective potion
Quiet quelled quickly quite
Reacquainting royal ritual rite
Singing solefully silly sounds
through tribal testament touchdowns
Uttering euphemisms until unable
Various vapours visibly veil
Women wale wildly whereto
Xtra xpto xtra xpto
Yelling yelping yelding youthfulness
Zero zigzag zestful zaniness
With Style: Poetry - Monthly Poetry Style Challenges
PuisiHello and welcome to the Poets Pub's poetry style challenges. Each month we will be challenging our members to write poetry in a new style. Have you ever written a sonnet, limerick, haiku, or BLITZ poem? Well now is your chance to exercise your p...