The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship♥

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Damn, I'm good

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Damn, I'm good.

Right now I'm at Steak & Shake with Odell eating a burger and milkshakes which is currently keeping me from saying something stupid to him.

I hope.

So far he's told me he has a sister, a father (which is in jail), and a evil mother who is my boss.

Shit, why does he have an evil mother?

I mean what if we get married....then she'll be my mother in-law!!!

No, that can't happen.

Wait, were just friends.

Just calm down.

"So tell me something about you?", he asks breaking me out of my thoughts. I darted my eyes up to his face and smiled as he chewed a fry.

"Umm, well, what do you want to know?".

" Anything", he answers deeper than usual. I bit my lip and quickly stopped realizing he was staring at me with a different look.

Gosh, he so sexy.

Shut up and take it slow Kaylyn.

Whew, deep breaths.

"Umm, well my parents left me for an investment company and I live with my aunt, all while being an high school janitor", I said taking a long sip of my milkshake. He frowned a bit before staring at me even longer than before making me a little antsy.

"That's some deep shit right there", he finally said.

"Yeah, but enough about me, let me hear more about you". I smiled and sipped hoping that'll change the subject but it didn't work.

Damn it.

"Nice try, you can't get by that fuckin easy. Now come on, spill the beans", he says while pulling out that inresistable smile. I rolled my eyes and continued to slurp my shake until it was gone.

What now?

Well...I could tell him about my secret talent but...nah.

How about asking him something?

"Do you have a girlfriend?", I blurted out.

No the hell I didn't just ask him about his love life???

Where did that even come from???

", not at the moment", he answers raising his eyebrows. I beamed and blushed a bit in the face as my legs began to move in that weird shake I've always had since I was young.

Stupid habits.

"You okay?", he asks with concern as the table began to rumble.

Stop it Kaylyn!!

Your freaking him out.

I quickly grabbed my knee from under the table and gripped it tightly until I was calm again.


"Yeah, I'm fine".

"You sure about that Lyn?".

He already has a nickname for me??

Damn, we're getting somewhere.

" Yeah, I'm fine Beck", I smiled and snickered a bit in my mind about the new name I came up with.

"Hmm, I think I like that nickname its.....Lyn patented. How did your beautiful ass mind come up with dat?".

Somebody call the fire department, I need to report a fire down under....if you know what I mean ✴wink-wink✴.

"It's just a gift that the God above gave me, don't you think?".

"Most def. Ring-ring, Sorry", he says pulling his IPhone 8 out of his pocket before answering.

"Hello.....hey sis......I'm good, whatchu need.....ight, I'm on my way...bye". He hung up his phone and sighed with disappointment.

"What's wrong", I asked worried.

" I have to go pick up my sister from school and we didn't even finish our lunch". I smiled small and pulled out my wallet to pay the bill.

"It's okay, go pick up your sis we'll have lunch some other time". He chuckles and pulls out his wallet; and pays the bill before I could even retrieve my money.

" I've got it, let me walk you out to you car", he insists. I bit my lip uncontrollable and nodded while he got up and held the exit door open for me.

"Thank you", I said blushing. He just winks at me and we walked to my car in a loving silence.

He sooo sweet!!!


I can't just fall in love with him just like that. I need to learn more about him.

Maybe we can have lunch again this weekend???

"Thank soo much for the lunch", I gleamed.

"No, my pleasure. Do you want to go out for lunch again this weekend?", he asks pulling out his phone.

He wants my number?

Damn, he fast.

"Sure, want my number?". My eye twitched a little bit as I waited for him to answer and of course Odell said yes.

"You know it, Lyn❤️". Odell typed it just like that in his phone with a heart beside it like we were girlfriend and boyfriend.

Such a big step!

What should I do?

Nothing, just do the same for his contact.

"What's yours so I want think your a stranger when you text me?", I asked.

"Oh". He held his phone so I could see his number and I typed into my phone in my contact section.

"There, Beck💪🏿". I laughed and unlocked my car door so there wouldn't be any awkward silence.

That would've ruined the whole fuckin mood. *sweat poppin*.

"What's so funny?", he asked confused.

"Nothing, I'll talk to you later Beck". Hopping in the car, I waved and smiled goodbye while he just stared at me for some odd reason.

"Ight, bye Lyn", he says giving me a two-fingered salute and walking off to his Black Lamborghini. I sat back in my seat and sighed as he drove into the streets leaving movie smoke in his path.

Why him, Lord?

Why him?

Why couldn't you send me somebody average?

"Haa, you could never have him Kaylyn, soo...just stop thinking about him", I told myself before cranking up my engine and speeding off as well.

If that's even possible....





LOVE Y'ALL!!!!😘😘😘

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