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Been Hanging Round Michael Too Much

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If it were a normal day, I would be at the office already. If it were a normal day,  I would be having a beer and playing video games with my co-workers but noooooooooooo....................................I had to confront my Mother. I had to talk with her.  Honestly losing my dog is much better than this.

My Mom's auburn hair curled around her ears and face. The slight, warm wind blew it around gently. Her old, icy blue eyes bore into my soul when my dark green ones lazily looked at anything but her.

"Audrey, you look at me for once, would you?" My Mother demanded. I barely resisted rolling my eyes and looked to her.

Her worn leather coat suggested it be cold out yet it was quite warm. Her Mother Genna was always cold, even in the state of Texas but I wouldn't understand.

That's my Mother's favorite word.

You wouldn't understand, Audrey.

You just don't understand.

Audrey, do you understand?

Honestly, I've taken a dislike to the word over the years. Now that she has seen me looking at her she steps forward. Her face a stone, masking whatever emotion she has. She studies me, in deep thought, before she takes a deep breathe.

"You have 7 hours to say goodbye to your friends," she stated. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Your kidding, or course you are. Why would you pull a stunt like that? Im settled and happy but you just decide to take me away from all of it?" I spit out at her. She barely flinches as she states, "5 hours."

"Unbelievable," I step away from her, "You know, I never considered you as my Mother."

She looked away then looked back at me, "You were just someone I had to take care of."

The tears glistened in my eyes but I didn't let them fall, not in front of her.

"I'm glad we feel the same way," I said and spun around hard. I walked to my car and drove off to work. By the time I got there my tears that had not shed were gone. I know it's bad to keep my emotions inside but honestly I can't deal with them right now. I walk into the Acheivement Hunter office and set my stuff on my desk.

"Woah, you okay Audrey?" Gavin asks. All the other boys are in the room as well and staring me down with concerning looks. I sigh and walk out the door. I stand out there and shake myself around then come back inside. I sit at my desk and turn on all the equipment I need.

"Audrey, are you okay?" Jeremy asks.

I lean back in my chair, "Yeah, I just left all my problems at the door. I'll get them back when I leave."

He nodded slowly and with that we got back to work. After a few hours we recorded a few videos. Right now we are recording a Mario Kart video. Or course Micheal and Gavin are in the lead. I'm in third and just behind them. I speed past them on the corner and gain first. After a couple seconds I gain some distance in between them and me when Ryan starts giggling. Then almost at the same time everyone yells blue shell. The finish line is so close. Micheal throws a green shell at me and I panic. I drove off into a pole and then I am hit with the blue shell right before the finish line. Micheal, Gavin, Jeremy and Jack finish before me. Everyone is either yelling or laughing. I am yelling.

"NO, ARE YOU F**KING SERIOUS. I WAS SO F***ING CLOSE. WHAT WAS THAT S**T!!!!" I say exasperated. Suddenly I feel all tingly but I assume it's from feeling lightheaded after yelling quite a lot during the race. I stand and accidently throw my controller on the floor.

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