Avenger x Supernatural OS

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Another one shot

I was sitting in the main living area of the Avengers facility. The Avengers including: Bucky, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, Vision, Loki, the main six, and I. We have all considered our differences and forgiven each other. Some may still have a grudge against Loki, such as Clint and Tony, but I have made them corporate. Being the daughter of Loki and girlfriend of Steve Rogers has been hard but I've made it this far and cannot stop now.

Steve and I sit together close on the couch and Bucky is on Steve's side. Sam sits next to Bucky. Clint, Natasha, and Loki sit on a couch across from us and Bruce, Tony, and Thor sit to the left on another couch. Wanda and Vision chill out on the floor. I stand slowly after I kiss Steve on the check.

"Alright, who wants tea?" I ask. A couple hands raise and a few voice their response. I nod before heading to the kitchen. Not three steps in my head starts pounding. I stop walking and bring my hands to my head as it burns.

"Jade? What's wrong?" Steve asks as he gets up and supports my body before it can drop. My eyes shut in pain and Steve carries me back to the couch. Then just as fast as it came it dissappeared. I opened my eyes to the Avengers staring at me in concern.

"It's alright, I'm fine," I sighed.

"You worried us there, Ghosty," Tony spoke out, his eyes still holding concern.

"It's alright, it's just...," I looked towards my Dad as he he looked to me, "You know what happened there, right?"

"Yes," Dad nods, "I happened to feel it as well. Thor should have also." Thor nodded his head.

"Nothing like this has ever happened like this before," Thor said.

"Is anyone else feeling out of the loop?" Bucky asked.

"I believe," Loki started, "That a Nephliem was just born." My eyes widened in surprise. Everyone else was gravely confused.

"A Nephliem is a child born of Angel and Human descent. The effects of the child being born could be drastic," I said.

"I'm sorry," Wanda apologized, fixing her position on the floor, "Angels are real?"

"Yes, they aren't the nicest beings. I've had multiple run ins with them before," I said. At this Dad raises his eyebrows at me questionly, "You have?" My face became stoic. That time of my life was when I had meet my first love, Sam Winchester. I had spent almost 4 years with the boys and their angel friend Castiel. We had become great freinds, Cas, Dean, and I. When I left, I left on bad terms.

"That is a story for another time. A very long story," I said, "Let's just go check this situation out for the time being."

"Is this something we should worry about?" Natasha asked.

"No, not at the moment," Dad said, "Once we see if it's a threat or not." I nodded. Steve was about to open his mouth before I spoke.

"Yes Steve, you may come along but we are going to be invisible. Only Dad and I can talk while invisible. If you talk we can be found out," I said. He nodded and kissed me, "I love you."

"I love you too," I smiled as he smiled. I turned to Dad and we grabbed hands.

"We should be back within the hour," he said as I grabbed Steve's hand. Our surroundings changed to a small, run down house near a lake. We stood near the side of the house. I heard talking and turned to see two beings emerge from a rip in time and space. Them being, to my surprise, Dean and Sam Winchester. Castiel popped out not moments later. I had seen the boys drop their shoulders in relief. All of a sudden an angel blade is thrust through Castiel. The boys yell out and Castiel is thrown to the ground as the angel blade to pulled back out. I feel tears flow out of my eyes as he falls. I'm stuck still from shock, as I can't look away from his dead body. A woman comes out of the house to between the two boys. Had they replaced me? I heard her say 'Stay away from my boys'. I can't be, Mary Winchester? She punches the being until they both fall into the rip. It then disappearing. Dean and Sam are left there to stare. I turn back to Steve and Loki as they stare at the scene. I grip Steve and Dad's hands and they look at me.

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