Evan 'Soul' Stillinski

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My mother had red hair that could pierce the world. It blew just past her shoulders and although it looked contained, it was anything but. Her hair was much like her words, uncontrollable. She would say anything like she knew exactly what it was and how she could gain from it. I heard stories that she was the popular one in highschool and from what I was told, I figured out Mom would rather forget whatever bad stuff she did in highschool. I heard my Dad was the complete opposite of her, the wierd kid who had a sarcastic wit. I'm not much like my mother or father, the only traits I have are my Mom's red hair and Dad's dark brown eyes. My personality is stark compared to the two. I would rather hold in my words unless it's necessary to talk. My uncle is really cool and I want to be cool also so I strive to be as cool as him.

My mother is a banshee and my dad is a human. One would think I should come out human or have at least a little banshee in me but I'm different. I was one of the many chosen all over the world to be a weapon. I could shapeshift into a dangerous weapon. Although when I came out of the form I looked way different than I usually did. With white hair and silver eyes, I'm sure I was a ghost. When I first transformed I did some pretty uncool things but now I've got it all under control.

When i found out i was different from my parents, I kept it a secret and said I was just human. My werewolf uncles couldn't smell something different about me, thankfully, and agreed I was human. Through research I saw a school that I could go to to get even cooler and control more of my powers. With a coverup that I was going to some prestigious school for academics, I was actually in Death city in a school called Death Weapon Meister Academy. I am Evan Stilinski or better known as Soul Evans. My mother and father are Lydia and Stiles Stilinski. I am a weapon and it's better kept from my parents and family. Although, it doesn't stay that way for much longer.


Maka was wielding Soul in battle. They were on the road to collecting another Kishin for their hefty bill of 99. A portal opened up and the enemy was confused as was Maka. Although Soul recognized said portal as the one that transported him back to his hometown for a few days during the holidays. The enemy ran forward but the duo was sucked in. Soul was confused as none of the portals should do that and they were all conjured up by Lord Death himself, unless it wasn't even Lord Death? Soul didn't really have time to think about that now as him and Maka were falling. When they hit the ground, they both rolled and attempted to stand up. They both knew they had an audience and were about to turn around but when the Kishin landed they knew they had no time to look around.

"Soul!" Maka yelled and Soul responded with a 'right' and smirked before turning into a weapon. The duo heard a few gasps from behind them before they engaged in battle once again. In the heat of battle Soul was pushed away in scythe form by the enemy. He turned his body back into his human form and left his arms as blades. He skidded to a halt right in front of his audience. He faced his miester while talking to the people behind him so he can make sure is meister is okay.

"So you never seen a fight before, pretty wierd, huh? You guys stay back and you'll stay safe, okay? We'll be done in a b--Maka!!!" Soul saw Maka get hit by the Kishin and went to catch her. He successfully caught her and she said her thanks. With a few more moves the Kishin was defeated and to not freak out the audience they had, he ate the soul in silence. He and his partner turned to the people and Soul mentally swore. They were his parents and their friends, or his family. They all stood suprised or cautious. We walked to them and Maka started to talk.

"We are so sorry about having to fight infront of you civilians, usually we would clear out the area but we hadn't had the time, right Soul?" Maka looked at Soul and his face was blank. In truth, Soul was trying to figure out how to get out of this situation. Maka elbowed him and he quickly stated, "Uh yeah, sorry about that."

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