Micheal meets Sting

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Micheal was having a regular day in the office, or as regular in the Achievement Hunter office. He was suddenly teleported to another room with a bunch of other people. He turned to them to relieze they were from the show fairy tail. 

"Well, this is wierd," Micheal says. A woman comes out of the shadows.

"Hi!" She smiles, "My name is Jada. I'm a fangirl that has the magic to bring the characters from Fairy Tail and their English dubbed actors to this very room. I just thought it would be cool for the characters to meet the voice actors! I've been bringing the voice actors in one by one but they were so boring."

"Yeah they were," Natsu said. Jada came over to Micheal and pointed at him.

"Then I thought of you!" She said.

"Thanks, I guess," Micheal said, dumbfounded.

"Oh, and don't worry they know all about your world. All you need to do is introduce yourself and what you do. Then we will sit and watch," Jada said.

"So who do you voice act for?" Lucy asked curiously, "There isn't much of us left."

"Uh yeah, I voice act for Sting. I'm a Gamer at Rooster Teeth. My name is Micheal Jones," Micheal said.

"He doesn't sound very interesting," Gajeel said, arms crossed. All the while, Sting stood of to the side observing the situation. He was surprised that Micheal sounded like him but he was a gamer? Seriously?? He could be something better.

"Be quiet, Sting, I can hear your thoughts," Jada said. Sting scoffed and Micheal looked towards him and shrugged.

"Okay, first we will start with The Best of Micheal Jones."

"Ah f*ck, you know this isn't gonna be the best," Micheal said, a hand on his head.

As Sting watches, he is disgusted. He didn't think Micheal would be this way, he might be worse than the other voice actors.

"Woah, you ate the whole pepper?" Lucy asked, amazed.

"Uh yeah," Micheal said as he nervously rubbed the back of his head, "I think I then ate another one but it was stupid."

"Yeah it was," Sting mumbled. Sting was then teleported into a seat two over from Micheal's.

"What did you say, Sting?" Jada said, glaring at him although it didn't phase him. He glared right back her then turned to Micheal.

"I said yeah, it was stupid," Sting spat right at Micheal. Micheal nodded, which surprised Sting.

"That's fair but it makes a lot of other people laugh," he said. Sting pondered his words.

"Okay, on to the next video," Jada said. Micheal noticed the beginning.

"Oh sh*t, come on. I was wasted during this, I don't even remember what I said," Micheal complained.

Everyone of Fairy Tail, their eyes were wide.

"Ah yeah, I had probably over 6 jars of moonshine at that point," Micheal said. Sting's face was emotionless until he burst out laughing. It sounded almost like Micheal's but more gruff.

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