AH x Supernatural

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Hello, names Kennedy.

I have dark brown hair that could pass as black. Light blue eyes that if you look at them a certain way, they look silver. I'm a decent height and have long legs.

I'm an entertainer, or a gamer, but an entertainer sounds more professional so we will go with that. I work at Rooster Teeth, yes that Rooster Teeth. I had moved to Texas from Ohio looking for a new start and ended up getting this job. It's pretty crazy, I'll admit but I learned so many things: how to hold alot of weapons, dodge something being thrown my way, to yell at the top of my lungs, and how to drive better than Gavin in Gta. The last one I'm still working on but I'll get there.

The guys all are like a big happy family and it's cool to hang out with most of them. I also hang out with some other people from across the buildings: and Piper.


I had my earbuds in my ears as I listened to my favorite songs. My phone lay in my back pocket and my was on backwards as it usually is. I had gotten out of my car and started walking to the office. I had starting dancing and drumming my hands to the beat of Ozzy Osbourne's No More Tears. I opened the doors and slid in. I scrunched my eyes together and sang out the song while I air guitared. Honestly, I'm used to doing this so often coming into work, I'm sure even the people walking through the hallway even gotten used to it.

I got tapped on my shoulder and instantly I took out an earbud and looked behind me. It's no one I've never seen before which is quite common for me since I'm not the most observant person. He was handsome, to say the least but what startled me was that I was somewhere completely different from where I was moments ago. I stepped back and looked around at the huge building around me.

"Holy buckets," I said in amazement, wildly looking around at my environment. It looked pretty cool, like a mix of fancy and the 50s. My admiration was cut short as I heard a gun cock behind me. I turned to the handsome guy, who now had a gun pointed at me.

"Who are you!? How the hell did you get in here!??" He asked, his voice more rough than I imagined it to be.

"Woah bud, put the gun down, don't get trigger happy," I asked. He made no motion to move so I sighed.

"Uh okay, my name is Kennedy but if your gonna call me something call me Kay. I dont want any of your nickname crap," I sighed, remembering about how the guys sometimes addressed to me as Ken. It hurt, it really did.

"Look man, what ever you think I did, I didn't. I was walking to work not breaking and entering so if you could lower the gun, that would be nice," I asked as nicely as I could. He scrunched his eyes together, considering something. He then finally put his gun down but only to his side.

"So why does your work involve knifes?" He motioned to my pocket knifes on a chain on my backpack. I got them from a fan and took them home. That was before I realized they glow in the dark so today I was going to bring them in to show to the guys and viewers.

"I mean it kind of does but not really...," I contemplated. His face wore a look that said 'really?'

"Okay, so do you want the short version or the long version?" I asked, eyebrows raised.

"Short please," he asked none too politely.

"Well I work at this huge company that has different parts. I work at the game part therefore: je suis le gamer. I dont know French. I'm a gamer along with a lot of other people. We're called Acheivement Hunter and we play games, not that we do it well or anything. Anyways Achievement Hunter has been going on for alot of years, meaning they got quite a bit of fans. One of the people I work with has gotten this psychotic mode in the games we play. When fans started sending stuff in we got weapons along with other items. Pocket knifes are the least we get." He nodded, thoughtfully. Then he looked straight at me.

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