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The week went by a lot faster than Normani would have expected it to. Right now she in her room getting ready for her day with Lauren. She honestly hopes that today's the day that she gets to know more about Lauren. She just wants Lauren to bring down her walls and let her in. Normani wants to know more about Lauren then just her name.

"So are you ready to spend alone time with Jauregui?" Dinah asked with a sly smirk on her face.

Normani blushed "I am actually. I'm excited to get to know her." She says. "So what are you guys planning on doing?" Ally asked. Normani shrugs "I'm not sure. I know we're going to meet Zayn's boyfriend but I'm not sure about after that." She replied. Dinah and Ally nodded. "Well text us if you need an escape." Dinah said which made Ally hit her arm. "Moni you'll be fine. Maybe you guys could go out to eat afterwards." Ally suggested. Normani chuckles "maybe."


Lauren was biting her lip to hold back her laughter as she watched Normani give herself a prep talk. "As adorable as your prep talk is we should probably get going." She suggests. Normani blushed furiously as she nods "right of course. Let's go." She mumbles as she got out of Lauren's Lamborghini. The green eyed girl smiled softly as she locked her fingers with Normani's. "Manibear you don't have to be nervous. They're going to love you. I promise." Lauren said softly. Normani smiles as she looked down at their joint hands. Suddenly she's feeling a lot better now. She can do this.

"Lauren. Lauren's friend. Please come in." Zayn says.

Lauren chuckles as she walked inside with Normani right behind her, still holding her hand tightly. "So where's this boyfriend of your?" Lauren asked with a smirk smirk. Zayn blushed "he's in the kitchen finishing up the food. He should be done soon." He says. Lauren and Normani nodded as they took a seat on the couch.

"So what's going on with you two?" Zayn asked.

Lauren glanced over at Normani. "We're figuring this college thing out together." She answered. Normani giggles "yeah just the other night I stayed up to help her with her paper for English." She says. Lauren rolls her eyes playfully "only because I did a paper on France and since you lived there for a year I thought that you could help me." She said nonchalantly. Normani giggles and hit her shoulder playfully "oh shut up! You loved my company." She says. Lauren looks at her as a small grin formed on her lips. "You're not wrong."

Seeing how the two girls interacted Zayn knew that something was there. He saw how Lauren was looking at Normani and he knew that his friend liked Normani. He could see it in her eyes. There was definitely something between the two.

A few minutes passed before Zayn's boyfriend walked into the living room with the food. "Guys this is my boyfriend Louis. Louis this is my best friend Lauren and her friend Normani." Zayn introduced. Louis smiled at both girls "it's very nice to meet you guys." Lauren and Normani smiled back "likewise."

"So Louis where did you and Zayn meet?" Normani asked.

Louis smiles widely "we actually met at the bar. I was bar tending when Zayn came in and he was visibly upset. So me being the kind person I am asked him what was wrong. He went on about how his ex was a huge jerk and needed to fall down a hold," he giggles "after I got him to calm down. We talked for a while before exchanging numbers. And we've been together ever since." He says happily. Zayn smiled as he pecked Louis' lips softly.

"Aw you guys are so cute." Normani coos.

Lauren's heart melted at how cute Normani was as she complimented Zayn and Louis. There was just something so a adorably endearing about Normani that Lauren could not stop herself from falling for the dark skinned beautiful. Maybe there's something more than a friendship here.

"So what's Zayn like in a relationship?" Lauren asked.

Louis chuckles "oh he's a teddy bear! He's so sweet! Like just the other day he brought me flowers and breakfast in bed! It was so cute." He gushed. Zayn's face turns red making them all laugh. "Aw Zayn that's so sweet! I wish someone would do that for me." Normani said dreamily. Heading that had Lauren looking over at the dark skinned beauty and she couldn't help but smile. Breakfast in be might just happen for you.


After hanging out with Zayn and getting to know Louis the two girls decided to go get something to eat at this cute diner. "So Lauren any weird or crazy ex's?" Normani asked curiously.

Lauren chuckles "there was one guy that I dated last year who was extremely controlling and overall just super toxic. I uh actually had to get my neighbor to go with me to file a restraining order against because he was that bad." She explained sadly.

Normani frowns "I'm really sorry that happened to you Lo. You didn't deserve that." She spoke softly. Lauren gives her a small grin "it's fine. I'm over it now." She said quietly. Normani smiles a little "uh can I ask why your mom didn't take you?" Normani asked. Lauren rolled her eyes "she was too drunk and high out of her mind to take me." She grumbles.

Normani frowned at that "I'm so sorry LoLo." She says. A blush formed on Lauren's cheek at the new nickname. "LoLo? That's cute." Normani smiles "then it fits because you're positively adorable!" She said. The smile on her face grew bigger and bigger as Lauren looked at Normani. She has never felt anything like this before and even though she's terrified she excited to see how things turn out with Normani. She's ready for her happy ending.

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