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Kehlani and Lauren both turned to look at Clara, who was slightly awake. "Mom are you sure?" Kehlani asked. Clara nods "I don't see why not. In my condition I'm not going to do much moving around, so some company would be nice." She says.

Lauren couldn't help but feel slightly proud of her mother. "Would you be ok moving into a new apartment?" She asked. Clara nodded "anything to get me out of that house." Her voice broke as she spoke.

Kehlani and Lauren spared each other a knowing glance before focusing back on Clara. "Well I could help you move in. I don't live that far away." Lauren said. "Yeah and Dinah's uncle owns a moving company so they can help." Ally adds. Clara smiles "thank you."


Lauren, Normani and Dinally were heading to Clara's home to help her pack and move into her new apartment. "Are you going to be ok with your mom living so close?" Normani asked gently. Lauren nods "yeah, I mean I have to make sure she ok." She answered. "Well I can keep you guys company. I mean if you want." Normani said shyly. Lauren grinned at her "I'd love that."

Arriving at Clara's home the girls got out and head inside. Looking around Lauren had so many flashbacks of being in this house. Although a lot of them were sad, some were happy and that's what she choice to focus on.

"Where should we start first?" Dinah asked.

Lauren ran her fingers through her hair "uh let's start with the pictures and breakable items first." She said. The girls nodded before getting started packing up the items.

"Guys I found more pictures of Lauren as a baby! Look at how cute she is!" Dinah coos.

Lauren shook her head as she taped up the box she was packing. "Are you going to pack or look at pictures of me?" She asked teasingly. "Both!" Dinah answered as she stuck out her tongue. Lauren chuckled as she rolled her eyes before going back to packing up her mother's things.

"LoLo you never told us you could draw." Ally voiced.

Lauren tensed when Ally said that and quickly turned around to see what she was talking only to see that Ally was holding an old sketchbook that she used to use when she was younger. "Where did you get that?" She asked. Ally shrugs "it was in a box labeled Lauren's things. There's so many other things in here." She replied.

Lauren nods as she made her way over to the box and began looking through it. She found so many things that she thought her mother and Liam got rid of, threw away because they didn't like her hobbies or interest, but they didn't. They kept them and she honestly doesn't understand why. It made no sense to her. None at all.


After the packing was done they moved everything into her mother's new apartment. "Lauren are you actually going to visit her?" Kehlani asked. Lauren nodded "of course I am. I gave you my word." She said. "I know but I also know how you feel about Clara." Kehlani argues. Lauren sighs "I know my relationship with my mother hasn't been the best but she's sick, I can't just leave her alone by herself. I'm not that cruel." She said. Kehlani nodded "yeah I know."

Since nobody would let Normani help for some reason she decided to take her seat next to Clara who was doing a crossword puzzle. "So how close are you and my daughter?" Clara asked. Normani bit her lip "uh we're pretty good friends-"

Clara cut her off with a chuckle. "I highly doubt you and my daughter are just friends." She says. Normani tilts her head "what do you mean ma'am?" Clara put down her crossword puzzle. "Normani I know that Lauren's bisexual. I've known since she was a teen. So you don't have to hide whatever relationship you have with Lauren." She said kindly.

Normani nods "we don't really have a relationship right now, we're taking things slow." She explained. Clara smiles "but you like her, right?" Normani smiled "more than anything." She answered. "Then that's all that really matters."

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