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Lauren was sitting next to Normani just studying the couple in front of her. Dinah and Ally. They, in her eyes, were complete opposites. Dinah Jane was the bad ass with numerous tattoos and piercings and a I don't give a fuck attitude. Ally was the good Christian girl that read books and went to church every Sunday and I love everyone and everybody's my friend attitude. But oddly enough they worked together. They, in a strange way, balanced each other out. They completed each other and even though she will never admit this out loud Lauren loves their relationship. Their relationship is what she wants with her future partner. Having someone be her opposition and complete her is something Lauren dreams of.

"Lauren are you ok?" Normani asked quietly.

Lauren nods as she glanced at the dark skinned beauty. "Yeah I'm fine." She replies just as quietly. Normani nods "so uh what were you getting again?" She asked. Lauren shrugged as she closed her menu and turned toward the girl "just a Cesar salad. I'm not really that hungry." She said. "What about you two?" Dinah and Ally whispered to each other before looking back at Normani. "We're going to share the Kentucky fried steak." Dinah answered. Normani nods before ordering for everyone.

While they were all eating Lauren felt like someone was staring at her. With an annoyed huff Lauren turned around ready to tell the person off but stopped when she saw who it was. "Zayn?" She spoke softly. The black haired boy smirks at her "hey Jauregui. Fancy seeing you here." Zayn says. Lauren had tears in her eyes as she got up and hugged the older boy tightly. "I've missed you so much Z." Her voice was muffled as she spoke. Zayn chuckles "I've missed you too L."

Normani watched the two interact with envious and confused eyes. She didn't know who that guy was but for some reason she did not like how he was holding Lauren. "Do you guys know who he is?" She asked. Dinah and Ally shook their heads. "Maybe he's her boyfriend." Dinah said, making Normani glare at her. "Or maybe he's just a friend." Ally intervened.

With bright eyes and a small grin on her face Lauren walked back over to the table. "Guys I would like to introduce you to my best friend Zayn. Zayn these are my new friends Dinah, Ally and Normani." She introduced everyone. Normani breathed a sigh of relief when Lauren introduced him as her best friend. So I have nothing to worry about, right? Shaking her head Normani smiles at him "it's really nice to meet you Zayn." She says. Zayn smiled "likewise."

Having Zayn sit with them brought Lauren a little more out of her shell. Her eyes lit up as she talked to the boy and she was just so much happier with Zayn around. As much as Normani wasn't a huge fan of Zayn she did like the fact that he brought out her happy side. That fact made Normani's heart flutter. She loved seeing Lauren happy.


After their lunch it was time to head back to class. "So how long have you and Zayn been friends?" Normani asked curiously. Lauren chuckles "since I was eleven. It was my second new school that year and I had no friends, no wanted to talk to me. Well that was until Zayn. He just came up to me and asked if I wanted a friend. Of course I said yes and we've been attached to the hip ever since." She said.

Normani nods "well uh he seems great." She said. Lauren smiles "he's amazing! He's been such a great friend to me for years. I have no idea where I'd be without him." She says. The way her eyes lit up when she talked about Zayn made Normani think that Lauren liked him more than a friend.

"Do you have a crush on him?"

Lauren couldn't help but laugh at that. "Zayn is not my type. Yeah he's cute but I could never see myself being with him like that. Plus he has a boyfriend." She said nonchalantly. Normani nods. Great he's gay. So I have nothing to worry about. "Have you met his boyfriend yet?" She asked curiously. Lauren shook her head "not yet but I plan on doing that next weekend. You should come with." She says.

Normani's eyes lit up "I would love to-" she cleared her throat "I mean that's cool." She said softly. Lauren chuckled at how miserably Normani failed to cover up her excitement. "Great. I see you Saturday at one." She said as she walked away. Normani nods "it's a date-I mean I'll see you then." She squeaked awkwardly. Lauren gave her a small grin "see you then Kordei."

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