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Lauren was sitting on her bed studying for her upcoming test that she had next week, when her phone started ringing. "Hello?" She answered.

"Lauren I need you to drive dowm here right now."

Lauren rolled her eyes at her step sister's voice. "What do you want Kehlani?" She asked coldly. "It's Clara. She's overdosed." Kehlani said. Lauren's heart stops when she hears that and without saying anything she hangs up and began packing a bag for her trip back home.

"Lo where are you going? What's wrong?" Normani asked.

Lauren huffs "it's my mom. She uh she overdosed." She said, her voice breaking at the end. Normani frowns "oh baby." She coos softly as she hugged the girl. "Let me grab my things and I'll be ready to go." She says.

Lauren looked at her "wait you're coming with me?" She asked. Normani nods "of course I am. I'm not going to let you go alone, you need support LoLo." She says. Lauren smiles "thank you." She said. Normani kissed her cheek "don't mention it."


The drive down to her home town was pretty quiet, Lauren just couldn't speak because she was just so worried about her mom she couldn't find the strength to speak. Yeah she knows her mom hasn't been the best but that's still her mom, she doesn't want anything to happen to her.

"Lo, babe are you ok?" Normani asked.

Lauren shook her head "no I'm not. I'm actually really worried." She admitted. Normani gently grabs her hand "tell me what's on your mind Lauren. Talk to me." She says.

Lauren sighed "I'm worried Mani. I'm really fucking worried and angry. I'm angry because this is all Liam's fault because he's supposed to be taking care of her but he's not. He's just letting her get high and drunk to the point where she overdosed and he doesn't even care! He doesn't care Normani!" She cries. "He doesn't fucking care!"

Seeing how broke the brunette was Normani could feel her heart breaking because no deserved this, she really didn't. "Lo I know that you're angry but right now I want you to calm down so we don't crash." She said softly. Lauren nodded as she wipes her tears away. "Yeah you're right."

Arriving at the hospital Lauren quickly parked the car and headed towards the building. Normani quickly followed behind and locked her fingers with the Latina's. Looking over at the dark skinned girl and smiled before quickly focusing on the task at hand; her mother.

"Lauren you came." Kehlani said when she saw the green eyed girl.

Lauren nods "well she is my mother after all." She mumbles. "So where's Laim?" Kehlani rolled her eyes "we think he ran off some time when she overdosed." She answered. "He most likely skipped town again." She adds.

Lauren could feel her blood boiling "that's not fair! He can't get away with this! He's the one who got her hooked on drinking and getting high, so he needs to take some responsibility for this." She spat, venom laced in her voice as she spoke.

Kehlani nods "believe me, I know but there's nothing we can do if he's not here." She said sadly. Lauren frowns "so how is she?" She asked as she looked at her mother.

Kehlani sighed as she took Lauren's hand in hers. "She's not doing good Lo. Her kidneys are barley working twenty-five percent, she is going to need a transplant and the list is long Lo. It's really long. All the drugs and alcohol has really messed her up and the doctors aren't sure how much longer she has Lauren."

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