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Hello everyone! Thank you for choosing to read this book, I really appreciate it!

I'm really excited to create this story, as it is my first dialogue based story. Feel free to state your opinion, say what you like or dislike, point out grammatical errors, and etc.

So in retrospect this isn't a short story, it's more like a short-chapter story. I have always enjoyed this style of writing so I guess I just made it.

Also if you would like to make covers for this book or any other of my books, I will happily give credit and show it in one of the chapters, and maybe even use it!

These are my original ideas, so please do not copy or steal any of the content in this.

This story does contain mild language, and is suitable for PG-13 based rating. It is not marked as mature because the mature rating on Wattpad is for ages seventeen and over content, but this is suitable for anyone over the age of thirteen.

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