|call four|

511 39 13

"Hello this is 'Coming Out' Hotline where we make coming out easier. Please stay on this line and wait-"

"Cut it with the shit. Let us talk!"

"No need to be rude. It's my job to say all of that stuff. Caller one? Caller two? What the heck? It's not my choice! You know what? Figure yourselves out!"

"Story are you there?"

"Yep, Ace. No need to be so rude to her. She does have a script to follow."

"I hate that she gets paid for this."

"Okay. I have an idea."



"Just spit it out, Story!"

"I want to meet you."

"I-I'm sorry. I don't think I'm ready for that."

"Oh. It's okay."

"I'm sorry. You know what? I have an idea. We haven't talked about the obvious."

"What obvious?"

"Oh my gosh I can't believe you! How dumb can you be? We are on a COMING OUT hotline!"

"Oh. That obvious!"




"Can I at least get your number?"

"Fine. Only so we don't have to go through this insipid hotline!"

"Bye Ace."


"Dang you hung up again!"

A/N: Thank you so much everyone for the reads I have gotten recently, I'm really impressed in the improvement in this book. Please remember to vote and to share your opinions in the comments! So now I'm updating Wednesday's and Friday's, so double the updates......and big announcement.....I'm going to enter this book in the Watty's!!

Coming Out HotlineWhere stories live. Discover now