Chapter 4

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A.N.: Sorry for the late update but I'm currently watching Glee and Beverly Hills 90210 again so I have like no time in the afternoons lol.
Thanks for reading (:
Enjoy the chapter ❤️


A new day has come. I had the alarm at 7 am. I don't want to wake up that early, but I have to. My mum was there when I opened my eyes.

"Hi mum."

"Hi Belle. How are you feeling today?" She asked while passing me the breakfast the nurse left beside the table. 

"I'm not hungry."

"You have to eat."

I rolled my eyes and took a bite from that horrible thing that they call here as food. It tastes so bad.

I looked at Ethan. He was still sleeping. I wanted to talk to him. He seems one of the only people who really understands what I'm going through because he's going through it too.

Mom remained there for a few minutes because then she needed to go to work. After a while Dr. Johnson came for checking on us as she said yesterday.

"So Ethan, you seem to feel better than yesterday." She said checking his thorax.

"If you say so."

I looked at him. I know he's not feeling that good but he shouldn't blame Dr. Johnson. She's just trying to do her job.

"Belle, have you eaten something?" She said checking the tray.

"Just a few bites."

"Belle, you have to eat something."

She seems like my mom. I finished eating that thing.

"Good. So I know you already knew the side effects of chemo but I have to tell you anyway because of protocol."

She started to explain all the possible side effects. It seemed like an endless list. Of course I already knew some of the side effects, such as nausea, hair loss and mood changes. However, the others that she named were totally new for me.

She then left to wait for me in the chemo room while the nurses prepared me.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to this crappy food. Good luck for the chemo." Ethan said while I was leaving the room.

"Thank you."

While I was about to enter into the room I saw that Ethan's friends were walking down the corridor to see him.

"Hey Belle, are you going on a little trip?" Dylan asked winking.

"Very funny Dylan." Grayson and I both said.

We giggled and our eyes met. We looked away shyly.

That was weird.

"I'm sorry to interrupt the sweethearts but Belle has to go to therapy now, she'll see you later." The nurse said.

"Good luck." They all said in chorus.

I entered in the room and accommodated myself.

"Okay Belle, are you ready?" Dr. Johnson asked.

I nodded even though I wasn't that sure about it.

When the session finished, I went back to my room.

"So how did it go?" Ethan asked.

"Not that bad. Any news from UNOS?"

"No... Waiting is the only thing I can do. Very entertaining."

No one replied to that. Sadly it was the truth. He just had to wait.

"Hey Bells. Hi guys." Ki said.

"Hi." Sophia and Grace said.

"Hey." The guys replied.

I didn't even realize that lunch time had already passed by. I wasn't hungry at all.

The girls and I talked for a while and then they went home just like the guys. Ethan and I remained alone again.

"Would you like to eat dinner together?" He asked.

"What? We already eat it together. We're in the same room."

"No I meant we could eat it sitting down closer. Like sitting on a table. Like in a restaurant."

"Ethan I'd love to but we're stuck here." I said pointing at the IVs and the clip on our index.

"You didn't get my point. Of course I'd like to take you out but we can still enjoy this dinner here in the room." He got up from the bed and sat in the chair next to his bed, pointing it in front of my bed.

I did the same but pointing mine in front of him.

"There isn't a table." He said.

"It's okay. It's still a cute gesture." I smiled.

"Then bon appetit." He smiled back.

"You too."

We both took a spoon of it. Bleah it tasted so freakin bad.

"This definitely ruined everything." He said.

"Yeah. I'm just kidding. It's still perfect."

"How can you be so positive about everything?" He giggled.

"Me positive? I'm the least positive person in this world."

We started to laugh and I didn't realize how close we were until that moment. We were looking each other's eyes. And then his gaze went to my lips and mine to his.

We came closer and it happened. His lips were on mine. He still tasted good even after that crappy soup.

It felt like I was jumping on a cloud and it felt as if all the pain inside me was finally vanished.


A.N.: soooo 😏 what do you think of Ethan and Belle?

And what about that weird but cute look between Grayson and Belle?

What do you think will happen next?

Hope you liked this chapter (:

Have a nice day (: ily ❤️

- Alexis

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