Chapter 8

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A.N.: thank you so much for 16k on Zodiac, 12k on Roommates and 700 views on this story ❤️❤️ I love you so much ❤️


Warning: This chapter contains smut

*Ethan's P.O.V.*

I don't get why she's acting like that. Did I do something wrong?


Is she playing the game of silence with me now?

After a while Dr. Johnson came in the room.

"How are you feeling Ethan?" She asked hearing my thorax.

"As someone stole my heart, chewed it and then spit it out. Does that answer your question?" I looked at Belle and she moved.

I know she's still awake. The 'now let me sleep. I'm tired.' was only an excuse. Something happened whilst I was away.

Dr. Johnson noticed that I was looking at her and she continued talking, telling me what happened yesterday night and how they fixed that mess.

"Will this finally make the UNOS move faster?" I asked.

"We can't know."

"You never know. I'm tired of this. I'm tired of waiting."

"I know Ethan but-"

"No you don't know anything. I feel like shit everyday. Weaker and weaker everyday."

She stayed quite for a while.

"I see patients like you everyday Ethan. And you shouldn't give up. I know it's not my job to tell you this but you're young, you still have a whole life in front of you. Don't stop fighting."

She then looked at Belle. She seemed like she was sobbing. This is all because of me. She probably felt guilty because of what happened.

Dr. Johnson looked back at me again.

"I have to go check on the others now." She then started whispering. "It seems like you make each other happier, just please don't let what occurred yesterday happen again."

She left the room. That was weird. But it's also true. When I'm around her I look happier.

"Belle?" She faced me.

"Please Ethan just leave me alo-"

"I'm sorry."

"What? It's not your fault."

"It's not even yours."

"Yes it is. I'm the one who let you kiss me, who let you lay with me. It's my fault."

"It's not. I'm the one who decided to kiss you and I decided to lay with you too. What happened it's no one's fault. It just happened."

"And I don't want it to happen again."

"And it won't."

Barely Breathing - E.D.Where stories live. Discover now